

Is a satellite a manned or unmanned spacecraft?

Updated: 7/1/2024
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A satellite is an unmanned spacecraft that is used for various purposes, such as communication, weather monitoring, and navigation. It orbits the Earth or other celestial bodies to perform its functions.

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Q: Is a satellite a manned or unmanned spacecraft?
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What is the difference between manned and unmanned spacecraft?

Manned spacecraft are designed to carry humans on board, while unmanned spacecraft do not have human crew members and are controlled remotely or autonomously. Manned spacecraft require life support systems and provisions for crew safety, while unmanned spacecraft can be smaller and more specialized for scientific missions.

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Several advantages; mainly:A human needs food, air, and protection. An unmanned craft needs none of these; its use of energy and other "extras" is much less than for a human.An unmanned craft can be sacrificed; there is no moral obligation to return it safely to Earth.In summary, all this makes an unmanned spacecraft much cheaper than a manned spacecraft.

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What is the difference between manned and unmanned spaceflight?

Manned spaceflight involves sending astronauts on spacecraft to carry out missions, while unmanned spaceflight sends robotic probes or spacecraft without crew. Manned missions require life support systems and capabilities for human presence, while unmanned missions can be more cost-effective and versatile for certain scientific objectives.

Why is most space exploration accomplished with spacecraft without astronauts?

The most obvious answer to your question is the fact that people have to return to earth, while an unmanned craft can stay in space infinitely. Manned spacecraft require things like oxygen, water, food and communications equipment, none of which are required by an unmanned spacecraft. That means unmanned spacecrafts can be sent into space for a fraction of the cost of a manned spacecraft. So basically, it's much cheaper and safer to send unmanned spacecrafts to explore the universe.

What is spacedocking?

Space-docking is the procedure by which spacecraft connect with other spacecraft in space. This is accomplished by careful manuevering, contact at a slow speed, and the interlocking of latches to secure the craft together. Docking is done with both manned and unmanned spacecraft, the connection allowing transfer of goods or material, or controlled access from one vehicle to the other. (For example, a manned vehicle might dock with a satellite to keep it steady while conducting repairs. Alternately, an astronaut can "spacewalk" away from his vehicle and attach himself to the satellite.)

What is difference between a manned and unmanned spaceflight?

whta is the difference between a manned and unmanned spaceflight

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