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Q: Is a scientific endeavor a driven by the needs of society and not by simple curiosity?
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Scientific endeavor is driven by both simple curiosity as well as societal demands?

It is true that scientific endeavor is driven by both curiosity and society demands. Advances in science are often driven by societal demands.

Is it true that Scientific endeavor is driven by either simple curiosity or societal needs but not both?

No, curiosity and societal needs can overlap. For example, Richard Feynman was driven deeply by curiosity, but societal needs allowed him to apply his curiosity to the war effort in the Manhattan Project.

Is it true that Scientific endeavor is only driven by societal needs?

if it true that scientific endeavor is only driven by societal needs

Is it true scientist always try to search for answers to their own questions?

Scientists often do seek answers to questions they find intriguing or important, but this is not a strict rule. Sometimes, scientists may investigate questions posed by others or pursue research based on established theories or priorities in their field. The pursuit of knowledge is a complex and multifaceted endeavor, driven by curiosity, practical considerations, societal needs, and the existing body of scientific knowledge. .

What is a sentence for curiousity?

You are just a child. Learn to control your Curiousity.

How does victor's statement that the world was to me a secret which i desired to devine serve as characterization?

Victor's statement shows that he is curious, introspective, and driven by a desire to uncover knowledge and understand the mysteries of the world. It demonstrates his intellectual curiosity and his ambition to discover the secrets of life through scientific exploration.

Why does gullivers keep on traveling?

Gulliver keeps traveling in the novel "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift because he is driven by his insatiable curiosity and desire for adventure. His travels allow him to explore different lands, experience various cultures, and encounter unique creatures, which ultimately lead him to gain new perspectives on human nature and society. Additionally, Gulliver's travels serve as a vehicle for Swift to satirize and criticize the flaws of society and human behavior.

What determines the shape of a society?

The shape of a society is driven by its culture. The moral values of a society and the willingness for people to stand for those morals also shapes the society.

Who is the narrator and why does he feel he owes a great debt to Georgiana?

The narrator in "The Birthmark" is Aylmer, Georgiana's husband. He feels he owes a great debt to Georgiana because he sees her as his perfect and ideal woman, but he is also driven by his scientific curiosity to remove the birthmark on her face. He believes that by doing so, he can attain perfection and rid her of her only flaw.

What drives the boy's joy away in the poem the school boy?

The boy's joy is driven away in the poem "The School Boy" by William Blake due to the restrictions and conformity imposed by the education system and society. The emphasis on discipline and rote learning stifles his natural curiosity and freedom, leading to a loss of joy and creativity.

What is the industrial society?

The definition of industrial society, in sociology, is a society that is driven by the use of technology to enable mass production. An industrial society has a high capacity for division of labor to hire a lot of people to support a large population.

Why did the youth Henry probably feel a sudden impulse of curiosity The Red Badge of Courage?

Henry probably felt a sudden impulse of curiosity in "The Red Badge of Courage" because he was eager to prove his bravery and manhood in battle. The uncertainty of war and his desire to know how he would react under fire may have driven him to seek out dangerous situations. Additionally, the fear of the unknown and the need to confront his fears could also have motivated his curiosity.