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well it depends if he/her has practised enuf mine is a girl named Elli she is White/tanish

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Q: Is a shiba inu good for disc competitions on Nintendogs?
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What dogs are good for disc in Nintendogs?

depends all of the breeds you have to train them to be good at throwing disc you can train them at the park make sure no other puppies are there

Are Jack Russell terriers a good dog to breed in nintendogs?

mabe you can try ( i am using shiba inus) All dog breeds are good to try, I usually use the bigger dogs.

You are a first time dog owner on nintendogs and you need to know what kind of dog is the best?

The best kind of dogs to get on nintendogs are the bigger ones. They are easy to train and are extremley affectionate. My best nintendogs have been my labradors, calvier spaniels, German shepards, shiba inu, dalmation, and husky! Good luck with your new addition!

Are pomeranians good in Nintendogs plus cats?

The Pomeranian are totally cute in this game, but I've had a few and they were not the best for competitions. But some people have had them and really liked them and their's were great in competitions! So if you like Pomeranians cheek em' out! P.s. The best personality for a Pomeranian in this game is.... This happy boy/girl is fascinated by the world around him/her.

Do you need a certain amount of trainer points to get the Shiba Inu puppy on Nintendogs?

No, you don't need a certain amount of trainer points to get the Shiba. What you need, is to get the Tatimi Room, have a clover clock(and be using it), and have your dog wearing a lucky collar on his or her walk. You have to find the Japanese Collar to get the Shiba. Either that, or have the game that starts with the Shiba. The stuff with the collars and clocks, I found on other websites. Don't bother with a code, there isn't one, unless you use the 'all items' code (which really messes your game up) Good luck!

What is the best dog on Nintendogs?

I have a Miniature Schnauzer on Lab and friends and it's High Score on the Disc Competition was 43!!!!!!!!!!! Also the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is pretty good!!!!!!

Is Java a good name for a shiba inu dog?

In my opinion the name with the breed matches very nicely. So yes, it is a good name for a shiba inu dog.

Breeds of dogs that are good for disc competitions in nintendogs lab and friends on ds?

The best dog is either a Shetland Sheepdog, a Labardor Retriver or a Husky You should start off with a German Shepard. They need NO TRAINING, and they can still catch the score of six. This is a good dog to start with if you want a second dog quickly.

What is a good soul arena team?

a good team is both shiba ppl and yumichika

What are some good names for male shiba inus?

ototo daisuke

Are shiba inus handsome?

The shiba inu is a dog a friend if you need it's adorable to some people but really most people could call a shiba inu handsome so yeah sure it can be but they're not good dressed they are to good of dogs but it depends witch one you have so just i guess they can be.

How can you get a UFO disc or dartboard in Nintendogs?

you get both of them by getting the ? presents and hidden presents, but it takes a long time to get it, i have been going after them for 2 days now and i still haven't found them. so good luck :P