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NO WAY! A solar system is a collection of planets!

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Q: Is a solar system smaller than a planet?
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Which planet is smaller than the earths moon?

none, the moon is smaller than all the other planets in our solar system.

Is the smaller Planet in the solar system Mars?

It is smaller than Earth.

Is the Solar System smaller than Jupiter?

No, the planet Jupiter lies within our Solar System.

Is neptune the smallest planet?

No, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

What is Mars smaller than?

Mars is smaller than every planet in our solar system except Mercury. Pluto was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006.

Is Neptune the largest planet of all?

No. Neptune is the fourth largest planet in out solar system, smaller than Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. The largest in our solar system is Jupiter.

How many planets are smaller than Mercury?

None. Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System.

What is the 6th planet of the solar system?

Venus is the sixth largest planet in our solar system.

Can an asteroid be bigger than Jupiter?

No. Asteroids are smaller than even the smallest planets. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The only object in the solar system larger than Jupiter is the sun.

Do many people think that moons are smaller than planets?

Generally speaking moons are smaller than planets. The only exceptions are the two largest moons in this solar system, Ganymede and Titan, which are larger than Mercury, the smallest planet in the solar system.

Is a dwarf planet bigger than a gas planet?

The gas planets are the largest planets in the solar system. The dwarf planets are smaller than even the smallest planets.

What are dwarf planets and are there any in the solar system?

Our solar system has Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake as dwarf planets. A dwarf planet is smaller than a planet had has an orbit that is not clear.