

Is a space station a space probe or space satellite?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Satellite- A probe implies probing or traveling through space and not fixed.

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Q: Is a space station a space probe or space satellite?
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Is a space station a satellite or a space probe?

A space station is a satellite.

What is space probe?

Space probe is a station.

One major difference between an artificial satellite and a space probe is that the artificial satellite?

A artifial satelite and space probe is that a artifial satellite orbits somthing else whereas a space probe fly farther into space.

Is a satellite a space probe?

A space probe is not the same as a satellite, because they can orbit planets and sat elites don't.

Is the Hubble SpaceTelescope a satellite or a space probe?

A hubble space telescope is a space probe which is in orbit around the Earth so it's a satellite.

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What is the same between a satellite and a space probe?

A satellite and space probe both orbit Earth (sometimes in geosynchronous orbits).

When was the space probe invented?

The first space probe was the satellite Sputnik I launched in 1957.

What is a unmanned space probe?

an unmanned space probe is a satellite orbiting around the planet

Is the space shuttle a space probe or a satellite?

A space probe is an unmanned spacecraft designed to explore the solar system and transmit data back to earth.A satellite is an object that orbits around a planet.By these definitions the space shuttle is not a space probe and is only sometimes a satellite. It is considered a satellite only when it is in orbit around Earth.However, the space shuttle is not usually referred to as a 'satellite' no matter if it is in orbit or not. Normally it is called a 'launch vehicle.'

Is a space shuttle a space probe or space satellite?

neither it is usually referred to as a launch vehicle. a space probe is unmanned and transmits data back to earth and a space satellite is something that orbits the earth. you could call the shuttle a satellite but it is not normally referred to as that.

Is a space station a space probe or a space shuttle?
