

Is a stative or active verb?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is a stative or active verb?
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Is keep a stative verb?

Yes, "keep" can be a stative verb when used to describe a state rather than an action, such as "to keep the door closed."

Is love a linking verb or action verb?

Yes and no! Love is a stative verb, you can use it to do linking and action verb sentences.

Is loved a action. verb or linking. verb?

Yes and no! Love is a stative verb, you can use it to do linking and action verb sentences.

Is loved a action verb or linking verb?

Yes and no! Love is a stative verb, you can use it to do linking and action verb sentences.

Is the word 'devastated' a dynamic or stative verb?

The word 'devastated' is a stative verb. Stative verbs describe a state or condition rather than an action, and 'devastated' describes a feeling or emotional state.

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You can probably use the word mꜥr, that means "to be fortunate, to be successful" The infinite of the verb would probably sound something like /ˈmaːʕar/, because it's a strong triliteral verb, the perfective active participle (adjective, someone who is fortunate) of it would sound like /ˈmaːʕir/ and the stative form would be /ˈmaʕr. + (any stative suffix pronoun)/

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What is a relational verb?

It is a verb that indicates a relationship ........of two things.

What Is a stative verb?

non progressive verbs that describe conditions or states. They usually take progressive forms.

What is the relationship between intensive extensive stative and dynamic verbs?

Intensive verbs focus on the action itself, while extensive verbs focus on the result or duration of the action. Stative verbs describe a state or condition that is typically not dynamic, while dynamic verbs describe actions or processes that are evolving or in progress.

Stative vs dynamic adjectives?

A stative adjective is a descriptor which refers to a trait or characteristic that is not conditional such as color, shape or texture. For example: "He is tall." A dynamic adjective is conditional on the circumstances and may change. This may include an attitude or state of mind. For example: "He is being obnoxious."

Is the verb in Susan appeared confident during the debate an action verb?

No, it's a state/stative verbas it describes the state of Susan. An action verb descrive, as the name suggests, an action, like playing, eating etc.