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Most civil courts do not recognize stipulation of judgments or waver of defenses involving consumer debts. Both would still require the plaintiff to file suit and you would be able to challenge the stipulation. The best defense being that you had been pressured or forced into signing the document, however the best answer would be to retain a licensed attorney.

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Q: Is a stipulation of judgment defendable?
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What happens if you sign a stipulation for child support?

You agree to the stipulation and it becomes a court order.You agree to the stipulation and it becomes a court order.You agree to the stipulation and it becomes a court order.You agree to the stipulation and it becomes a court order.

Is a stipulation recorded on credit history Is a stipulation the same thing as a judgment?

A stipulation is simply a condition that must be met as a result of the entry of a judgment. Sometimes, a stipulation may provide for the judgment to be dismissed upon satisfaction. In all cases, once a filing for a judgment is made (i.e the creditor files the lawsuit in court) there is now a public record of the judgment and that event is what shows up on a credit report. Most of the time, the result of the judgment is not going to show up in the credit report. So, if someone were to frivolously file 10 lawsuits against you, all ten will show up on your credit report, even tho they may all be dismissed by the judge. So, if you have a stipulated judgment that can be dismissed once it is paid, only the public records in your county will be updated to reflect the satisfaction of the judgment and subsequent dismissal... the credit report will only show the initial filing and amount. It is up to you to contact the credit bureaus and dipute a dismissed judgment and provide them with proof of the dismissal to have it complete removed from your credit report. Always get a Satisfaction of Judgment or an abstract from the court showing the disposition of the case if it is dismissed. These documents are sometimes required to be signed by the original creditor as well as proof the debt is satisfied. If a creditor doesn't sign it, it may not be considered legally paid. So, be thorough and follow through in order to make sure your credit report shows exactly what it should be showing.

Should you sign a Stipulation for Judgment agreement?

That really depends on the terms of the proposed stipulation. Without adequate protection such as a court-ordered repayment plan, having a judgment against you can negatively impact your credit and give the creditor the ability to garnish your wages and take your property. On other other hand, you need to consider what would happen if you didn't sign it and compare the consequences of both actions to see what is best for your situation.

Can a legal brief be filed before a stipulation?

Well now this is a good question. A legal brief can be filed before a stipulation. A stipulation is a an agreement before court. So you can file a legal brief before a stipulation.

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He consolidated it withing defendable borders.

Does a restraining order imbedded in a visitation order supersede a court stipulation?

If the court stipulation was issued BEFORE the order was issued then the order prevails. If it wasn't, then the pre-order stipulation dies. The stipulation would have had to have been included in the subsequent order to remain effective.If the court stipulation was issued AFTER the issuance of the order then it DOES take precedence - BUT only over the specific area of the order to which it refers.Any such stipulation MUST be issued in writing or it is unenforceable.

Can rent increase while your in a court stipulation?

Rent should not increase while your in a court stipulation. The court stipulation will halt rent increases until all matters are resolved.

Who files a stipulation of discontinuance?

The Defendant's attorney should be responsible for filing the Stipulation discontinuing an action. The Defendant is the party who wants to be sure the Stipulation is filed. This is worth being responsible for the filing fee.