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Yes. Relaxing (chemical straightening) has a higher pH than perm lotion, it is more alkaline, and is harder on the hair.

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Q: Is a straight perm more damaging to your hair than a curly perm?
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Will thinning curly hair make it look straight?

no. this will cause the curly hair to be thinner and even more curly and untameable.

What is more common straight or curly hair?

straight you see alot of curly haired beautiful ladies

Is straight hair more common than curly hair?

yes, yes it is

What is more stylish these days - straight hair or curly hair?

Straight hair is the classic look and is in style right now.

What is more damaging straitening curly and frizzy hair after you take a shower every time or getting your hair permed straight?

Straightening your hair everyday after you get out of tha shower is more damaging your hair rahter than jus perming it once and getting it over with, cause it causes less split ends and tha hiar not to get thin! (:

Is curly or straight hair better for someone with short brown hair?

Curly, that would look so cute and more interesting

Which is prettier curly hair or straight hair?

Well, If your hair is curly some people like a change but some people don't but like I was saying if your hair is curly some days when you have time you could straighten it or if your hair is straight some days when have time you could curl it.

Do more people have curly hair or straight hair?

It is actually more common for people to have not straight or curly hair, but wavy hair. Like skin color, hair type is a trait that tends to "mix". If a person with white skin and a person with black skin have an offspring, they will have a light brown skinned offspring. If a person with curly hair mates with a straight haired person, there is a chance they will have wavy hair

Why does strait hair produce more static then curly hair?

Because straight hair has more length which causes it to produce more static. In which, curly hair is all balled up so it makes it puffyer.

Does curly hair or straight hair holds the most water?

I think curly hair can hold up better because it absorbes more and it can just do it. straight hair can't absorb as much because it will just fall out

Does curly hair keep you warmer than straight hair?

Answer:Having curly hair doesn't make you warmer than straight hair.FactWhat might keep you warmer is if you have more hair than other people. If you have more hair you have a better chance to keep your self warmer.

Is brushing curly hair damaging?

Yes. Curly hair strands are much thinner and more easily damaged then straight hair. In addition to pulling apart curl ringlets, brushing aggravates the cuticle and breaks the strands, usually resulting in frizzy, damaged hair. The safest way to detangle is to use your fingers or a wide tooth comb in the shower when your hair is wet and saturated with conditioner.