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In Oklahoma, the deceased's estate is responsible. The spouse can be held as a beneficiary of the costs and by inheriting less from the estate.

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Q: Is a surviving spouse responsible in Oklahoma for Credit card debt of the deceased spouse if the living spouse never signed and document?
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The responsibility for making funeral arrangements in Indiana follow a specific order. The order starts with a person named in a funeral planning document or the person who holds a power of attorney over the deceased parent. If there was not a funeral planning document or power of attorney, the responsibility goes to a surviving spouse, then an adult child, and lastly to any adult next of kin.

In Hawaii if a married spouse expires is the surviving spouse responsible for a credit card debt of the deceased spouse if the living spouse never signed any document?

The estate is going to be responsible for any bills. But the assumption is that the wife inherits the husband's assets. One way or another, the spouse ends up paying the debt. The spouse has some right in all real property owned by the husband. If the assets are not enough to cover the debt, the real property may have a lien placed against it to cover those debts.

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Not being a legal professional, this answer is from a layman's viewpoint until improved by a professional, and should be be confirmed by cousultation with a legal professional in the state where the decedent lived at the time of his or her death. It is my understanding that the estate is responsible for debts of the deceased, and children, or other relatives, are not responsible unless they have previously "signed on" to responsibility, as for example, by signing a hospital admission document as the "Responsible Party" regarding billing.

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In NH if a married spouse expires is the surviving spouse responsible for a credit card debt of the deceased spouse if the living spouse never signed any document.?

In Ohio, if the debt was owned jointly, then yes, you are responsible. If if wasn't, they cannot make you liable for another's debt. This is in Ohio. Credit reports are held in both owners name, if they are co-owners or own the debt jointly, such as a home mortgage. If the credit card is owned by spouse1 and spouse2 does not have permission to use it, then spouse1 is the only responsible person for that debt. Spouse2 cannot be held responsible - in all financial transactions in the state of Ohio, even if the debt has incurred from some other country or state. Wherever you reside determines the law for the consumer. Check your state for that.

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Can a 14 year old get married in Oklahoma?

of course... but because you are underage, you have to have you parents be there, and sign a document telling that it is okay.

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You need to review the document that created the easement to determine that type of responsibility. All the terms should be included in that document.