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Q: Is a term in London a semester or a year?
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How long is a term in school?

For an institution that operates on a regular two semester academic year, a term or semester would run approximately 16 weeks. A semester runs for 9 weeks

What does semester mean?

A semester is a term usually referring to a length of a school program. A semester is half of a school year usually around 16 weeks.

What is the definition of semester?

A semesteris a half-year term in a school or college.

Is a college term considered a year of college?

A term is one semester. Fall semester lasts from about the middle or end of August until the first/middle of December. Spring semester lasts from the middle of January until the first of May. (12-18 weeks)

Is a college term a semester?

It depends on whether the school operate on a regular two semester, quarter semester, or tri-semester, academic year. Typically, a semester in a two semester school, runs 14 to 16 weeks. It just depends on how they arrange the required class contact hours.

What is semestar?

A semester represents one half of a full school term (half of the school year).

How many terms in a semester at a high school?

The answer is 1. A semester IS a term. When a school year is divided into two terms, each term is called a "semester." When a school year is divided into three terms, each term is called a "trimester." So, asking how many terms are in a semester is like asking how many hours are in one hour.

Is one semester of English considered one year of college English?

A semester is half a year.

What is the tuition for a semester at West London College?

West London College tuition fees are dependent on the program you are choosing. Generally the average tuition price is 1.000 to 8.000 pounds per semester for 2013.

What is university year of based on?

Most University 'years' are based on starting in September (fall semester) and ending in the Spring semester (either May or June). The University year starts with the year of the Fall semester.

Jntu online bit papers IT third year first semester?

jntu bit papers 3ed year 1st semester

Is a college term the same as a semester?

Yes, they are one in the same.