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Q: Is a tiger a predator or a producer for a composer?
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Is Stevie Wonder a composer?

Yes, he is a singer, composer and producer.

Is a white tiger a consumer or producer?

a white tiger is a producer

Is a tiger a predator or a pray?

A tiger can be a predator sometimes, but can also be the pray at others.

Is a white lion a predator of the tiger?

No, the white lion is not a predator of the tiger.

Is the Siberian tiger a prey or a predator?

The Siberian tiger is an apex predator and has no predators except man.

Is Kanye West a Composer?

He is a producer

Is the Siberian tiger a predator or a prey?

The Siberian tiger is an apex predator and has no predators except man.

What is the difference between a composer and a producer?

A composer is the person who arranges a song and puts it in a order. A producer just simply puts it out there with his money and records it

What is a predator of the white Bengal tiger?

the white tiger is almost extinct so its only "predator" is humans

A tiger's natural predator?

a tiger is a beatiful animals

What are the pretators of the tiger?

The only predator of the Tiger is man.