

Is a tooth a solid

Updated: 12/11/2022
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Q: Is a tooth a solid
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What is the least expensive way to repair a front tooth that broke?

The cheapest way to repair a tooth is with a white filling or composite. That is if there is enough tooth sturcture to hold on too. But that is not the most solid treatment. A better way to repair a tooth is to get a root canal, post and crown.

Is toothpaste a solid or a gas or liquid?

Toothpaste is actually a solid. It is a solid that acts like a liquid.

What does dentist put in tooth extraction prior to stitches?

Just got it done on a tooth that's been broken for over 3 years. He took a ground up tooth, which is treated to bond with itself, and filled it into the opening where the old tooth was. This keeps a solid substructure for your tooth so if you want to get an implant later on there is something to implant into. Otherwise you just have gums.

How do you know when your tooth is rotten?

If your poo is rotten... ... I think it might be when it is not solid formed. Like sort of liquidish.

What is a substance that is neither a liquid nor a solid?

No, 'substance' has to be matter in one (or more) of these states of matter

What usually happens to prices when there is great demand for a product?

if a high demand of a product when it is commen (ex: tooth brushes) it would go down. if its uncommen (ex: solid gold tooth brushes) it would go up

Why does eating ice cream too fast cause tooth pain?

because ice cream is cold in its solid form . its so cold that it makes your tooth nerves uneasy. also, if you're eating it fast, the temperature of your mouth decreases .

How do you make the hardest paper airplane?

hardest as in most complicated? or as in most solid?

What is a crown build up?

A crown build up is done when a person's tooth needs a crown. Usually cause my a large filling breaking or a tooth is broken. Once a tooth is more filling then natural tooth they usually want to put a crown on it. The tooth needs to have a solid foundation in order to support a crown, therefore they have to use special material in order to build the tooth up and prepare it for a crown. Also after any root canal, the dentist will want to put a build up in as teeth become very week after a root canal.. This ensure that the tooth is strong enough to support a crown.. Hope this helps

The whole tooth and nothing but the tooth?

the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth

Is the fourth tooth from the middle on the bottom a milk tooth?

The tooth in question is a tooth that children have. If it is not a permanent tooth, it could be called a milk tooth.