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Q: Is a tornado a violent windstorm that spirals around a rotating column of air of intense low pressure and moves in a narrow path over land?
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Why low pressure air spirals upwards?

The causality is the other way round: air spirals upwards and BECAUSE of that there is low pressure on the ground. The question should be WHY does the air rises upwards and WHY does it spiral? The spiralling comes from the coriolis effect. The rising comes from differences in mass density (lower density rises above higher density). That density difference may come from temperature differences. High pressure areas have the contrary effect: air falls down and causes high pressure on the ground.

What are the characteristics of a low pressure system?

In a low pressure system, air is rising. Air spirals inwards in a clockwise direction. In a low pressure system, rising air cools and clouds begin to form. Low pressure systems usually cover a smaller area than high pressure systems and move faster. Low pressure systems are associated with high precipitation.

3 characteristics of a high pressure system?

In a high pressure system, air is sinking. Air spirals outwards in an anticlockwise direction. In a high pressure system, sinking air becomes warm and stable. High pressure systems usually cover a greater area than low pressure systems and move slower. If located over land, high pressure systems are usually cloud-free.

What happens in the atmosphere when there is a tornado?

Tornadoes form during thunderstorms. These storms usually developing a warm, moist air mass ahead of a cold front (where cold air moves in) or dry line (where dry air moves in). Within the storm air rises rapidly in a strong updraft. The rising air cools causing the moisture to condense and release energy. At the same time, regional winds change significantly in speed and direction with height. This causes the updraft of the storm to rotate. It is form this rotation that the smaller, more intense circulation of a tornado may form. Within the tornado itself air spirals inward and upward rapidly around a center of intense low pressure. Because of the pressure drop air cools within the tornado, causing moisture to condense to form the visible funnel.

In a tornado the air spirals mostly vertically?

No, the rotation of a tornado is stronger than its updraft.

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The scroll compressor is one that has spirals rotating into each other. The screw compressor is where two spirals are rotating in opposite directions.

Does the wind go toward a tornado?

Yes, the wind typically flows inward toward a tornado in a rotating motion. This rotation creates the characteristic funnel shape of a tornado as the air spirals inward towards the center of low pressure.

What is happening in a tornado?

In a tornado, powerful rotating winds form a funnel-shaped cloud that touches down on the ground and causes destruction in its path. Tornadoes can result in high winds, flying debris, and intense damage to buildings and landscapes.

What is the movement of tornado like?

A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. It moves in a swirling and spiraling fashion, often causing destruction in its path due to its strong winds and intense pressure gradients. Tornadoes can move erratically, changing direction and speed quickly.

How does wind make up a tornado?

Winds in a thunderstorm rotate and create a rotating column of air. If this rotating air column is tilted upwards by the storm's updraft, it can become a tornado when it reaches the ground. The strong updraft and rotation within the storm are key ingredients in tornado formation.

What causes the strong winds associated with a tornado?

The strong winds in a tornado are caused by the rapid rotation of air within the storm. As the rotating air spirals inward, it intensifies the wind speed near the center of the tornado, creating the strong and destructive forces that are characteristic of tornadoes. Temperature differences and pressure gradients within the storm also contribute to the formation of these powerful winds.

Describe the pressure flow and condensation level of tornado?

The pressure inside a tornado is lower than the surrounding air, causing a decrease in pressure. The condensation level is where the water vapor in the air cools and condenses to form a visible funnel cloud or tornado.

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Why is it that the middle spiral of a tornado form?

A tornado usually forms from a large column of rotating air called a mesocyclone. A tornado therefore has quite a bit of angular momentum, so air spirals into the it.

When was Spirals in Hyperspace created?

Spirals in Hyperspace was created in 2004.

Why are you fascinated by spirals?

Why am i facinated by spirals? Don't you mean you are facinated with spirals cause you are a sad, socially rejected, friendzoned fragment of fridge magnet!

When was Spirals - album - created?

Spirals - album - was created on 2003-03-11.