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No, the rotation of a tornado is stronger than its updraft.

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Q: In a tornado the air spirals mostly vertically?
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In a tornado do the air spirals move mostly vertically?

No, in most cases the spinning is faster than the updraft. This may vary between different tornadoes, though.

Does the current of a tornado go up or down?

The air in a tornado spirals upwards.

How do tornadoes use air?

A tornado is made of air. Air moves into a tornado and spirals upward at high speed.

What do the air in a tornado do when the funnel touch the ground?

Air near the ground spirals inward and upward in and near the tornado.

How does air spiral in a tornado?

In most cases in the northern hemisphere, air spirals counter-clockwise around a tornado and sucks upward in the core center of the tornado. This is typically clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

Why is it that the middle spiral of a tornado form?

A tornado usually forms from a large column of rotating air called a mesocyclone. A tornado therefore has quite a bit of angular momentum, so air spirals into the it.

Describe the pressure flow and condensation level of tornado?

A tornado creates an area of low barometric pressure. Air spirals into the tornado and then spirals upward within it. The low pressure in a tornado cools air flowing into it, causing moisture to condense into the characteristic funnel. In many cases, though not all, the condensation reaches all the way to the ground.

What is the movement of tornado like?

A tornado consists of a vortex in which air spirals inward and then upward. The tornado itself moves forward, usually along a relatively straight path.

What happens on the ground during a tornado?

Air around the tornado spirals in toward it and then spirals moves upward in the tornado itself. The winds are very strong and can cause major damage to vegetation and man-made structures. Parts of destroyed structures can get carried by the winds as dangerous debris.

What would be the general flow of a tornado moving southwest to northeast?

That is the general direction that most tornadoes move in. The air in a tornado spirals inwards towards the center and upward.

How does objects being sucked into a tornado occur?

Air in and near a tornado spirals inward and upward very rapidly. The strong winds can pick up objects to carry with them.

Why do tornadoes suck things up?

In a tornado, unlike in other wind storms, air travel upward as well as horizontally. This allows a tornado to lift objects into the air. Sometimes to great heights. Unlike other major wind events, where wind is mostly horizontal, the wind in a tornado has a vertical component as it spirals upward rapidly. This upward-moving wind can carry objects with it.