

Is a turtle a vertebrates

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, they are. All reptiles have an internal skeleton (just like humans have).

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7y ago
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11y ago

Yes. The turtle is a vertebrate. Like all reptiles, it has a backbone and spinal column. Birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians are all vertebrates.

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8y ago

Yes, box turtles are vertebrates.

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13y ago

Yes, I believe that they are!! ;)

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12y ago


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Q: Is a turtle a vertebrates
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A turtle is a vertabrate because it has a backbone.

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A turtle is a vertebrae because it has a spinal cord which is attached to (or considered) it's shell

Is a sea turtle a vertebrata?

All reptiles, including turtles, are vertebrates.

Is a sea turtle or a vertebrates?

A sea turtle is a vertebrate, just like any other turtle. Their spine is connected to the roof of the inside of their shell, which is why they can swap shells or get out of the ones they were born with, or it will kill it. No. The sea turtle belongs to the reptile group. Reptiles are chordates, also known as vertebrates. A vertebrate. After all, it has a spine.

Is a turtle a vertebrates or invertebrates?

A turtle is a vertebrate.

Is a turtle a vertebate?

Good question mt friend well when i was in grade 2 my science textbook had vertebrates and non vertebrates and well my friend a sea turtle is a is a vertebrate and you spelled [vertebrae] wrong it's vertebrate do a spell check you'll see and try google and the is a sea turtle a vertebrate ok.......................................................................................

Is a turtle a vertebreate?

Yes, a turtle is a vertebrate.All reptiles are vertebrates, because they all have spines.The spine of a turtle is attached to the inside roof of their shells. Making it physically impossible for them to shed shells or leave their shells.

Is the olive ridley a vertebrate?

The Olive Ridley is the common name for a species of sea turtle. Like all reptiles, turtles have backbones. Backbones are the distinguishing characteristic of vertebrates, so Olive Ridleys are vertebrates.

Is a turtle a vertebrate?

Yes, a turtle is a vertebrate.All reptiles are vertebrates, because they all have spines.The spine of a turtle is attached to the inside roof of their shells. Making it physically impossible for them to shed shells or leave their shells.