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Q: Is a voice box the same as a vocal sac?
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What are pouches on frogs called?

Vocal Sac

What is the throat of an animal called?

Vocal Sac

How can you identify the sex of the frog based on mouth cavity?

In some frog species, you can determine the sex of a frog based on the development of a vocal sac. If the vocal sac is present, the frog is a male.

Why is the vocal sac found only the male frog?

Because only the males calls.

What are the main organs in the respiratory system for frogs?

The lungs, nostrils, skin, and vocal sac.

What is the red jelly like sac coming out of a frog?

Although I am not entirely sure, I think it might be an egg sac or a vocal sac? Not entirely sure though. Try researching it in Google under the description you gave us.

Why is it that vocal sac is found only in male frogs?

because only males emit mating calls.

What are the air bubbles in a frogs throat called?

You are possibily reffering to the inflation and deflation of a frogs "VOCAL SAC."

Where is the Sac County Historical Society Inc in Sac City Iowa located?

The address of the Sac County Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 334, Sac City, IA 50583

How can you identify the sex of the frog based on the mouth cavity?

In some frog species, you can determine the sex of a frog based on the development of a vocal sac. If the vocal sac is present, the frog is a male.

When Do Poison Dart Frogs Mate?

Poison Dart frogs like to mate in the Spring!

How do bullfrogs communicate?

bullfrogs make noise by vibrating an organ in their throat. this produces a throaty, croaking noise.