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Q: Is a whale shark bigger than a airplane?
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Which is bigger an whale or a shark?

A whale is bigger and larger than a shark.

Is a whale shark bigger then a whale?

yes it is bigger than a whale

Is shark bigger than a whale?

Whales are much bigger than sharks. Even baby whales are bigger. Trivia: The mechanical shark in Jaws was named "Bruce" after Speilberg's lawyer.

A Whale Shark is a?

a whale shark is a shark and a whale together who moves very slow and it lives in a warm area of the sea with whales and shark and it is very bigger than a whale.

What is the name of the shark bigger than the whale shark but is not around anymore?


Why is the blue whale bigger than the whale shark?

the whale shark is not a mammal like the blue whale

What is the name of the shark that is three times bigger than a great white shark?

whale shark

What is bigger than a shark?

a blue whale, most elephants

Is the whale shark bigger than the blue whale?

No. Whale sharks are the largest known fish alive today, but blue whales (which are mammals) are the largest known animals. Whale sharks are up to 50 feet long and can weigh over 23 tons, but blue whales are up to 100 feet long and weigh 200 tons.

What is the size difference between whale and shark?

A whale Shark is a Shark "big as a whale". Means it's a fish, Breathes with gills etc. Whales are mammals, air breathing, live birth etc.

What fish are bigger than puffer fish?

The whale shark is one fish which is bigger than the puffer fish

Which is bigger whale shark or the killer whale?

yes a killer whale is bigger than a shark. most shark species are smaller than killer whales even the great white shark the killer whale can be twice as big as the great white. But there is one shark who is bigger than the orca that is the whale shark :)