

Is absolute zero closer to 0K or 0C?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Is absolute zero closer to 0K or 0C?
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Why can't -5K exist?

0K is absolute zero, meaning that the system contains zero thermal energy. Temperatures below absolute zero are impossible.

Is zero degrees celsius the coldest possible temperature?

No, zero Kelvin is. 0K = -273.15°C. Known as absolute zero.

Absolute zero in terms of Celsius?

Absolute zero is defined as 0K on the Kelvin scale and as -273.15° on the Celsius scale. This equates to -459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale.

What is the absolute zero for kelvin celsius and fahrenheits?

Absolute zero is defined as 0K on the Kelvin scale and as −273.15° on the Celsius scale. This equates to −459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale.

What temperature is absolute zero in Celsius and Fahrenheit?

Absolute zero is defined as 0K on the Kelvin scale and as -273.15° on the Celsius scale. This equates to -459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale.

What is the temperature at which no more energy can be removed from matter?

Absolute zero. On the Kelvin scale of heat measurement, 0K is the point at which no more energy can be removed or −273.15°C / −459.67°F. There is not enough energy there at 0K to transfer any movement from the substance to another substance.

What does the temperature scale on which zero is the temperature at which no more energy can be removed from matter mean?

The Kelvin scale with 0 at absolute zero means that you cannot get negative Kelvins. As you cool matter closer and closer to 0K the atoms in matter move less and less. they cannot move less than not at all.

What is absoulte zero in celsius?

Absolute zero is defined as 0K on the Kelvin scale and as -273.15° on the Celsius scale. This equates to -459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale.

What is the lowest temperature out of 0C -273F 0K?

Zero-K is. I could have told you that right away, even without seeing theothers, because zero-K is Absolute Zero, and there's no such thing as alower temperature. So there might be something else on the list that'stied for lowest, but there can't be anything that's lower.

Why is it theorized that the coldest obtainable temperature cannot be any colder that absolute zero?

Temperature is movement of particles. The harder they move, the hotter they get. When particles are not moving at all their temperature is 0K (absolute zero)

What is the lowest temperature and what happens at that temperature?

The lowest temperature is known as absolute zero which is equal to 0K (0 Kelvin) and -273.15 Celsius (-459.67F). Absolute zero has never been recorded but is the theoretical temperature of which no heat can be extracted from a system. It is theoretical because at 0K matter would have no pressure and therefore no volume.

What is the temperature below which the matter cannot be cooled?

Below Absolute zero or 0k. i.e. (−273.15°C or −459.67° F)