

Is abstinence a pill

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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No, abstinence mean you are abstaining from sex. You have no sex at all.

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Q: Is abstinence a pill
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Mint syrup

What is the most effective method of contraception is?

i think the most effective method is a condom and the pill No it is Abstinence

Do you need to wear a condom when she is on the pill?

Wearing a condom when she is on the pill will help prevent the transmission of sexual disease and lower the chance of conception. The pill does not prevent STD's. No form of birth control is 100% effective except for abstinence.

How do you restart the birth control pill?

Start the birth control pill today. Use a back up method, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken seven pills correctly.

Is the contraceptive method a sin?

Contraceptive just means anything which can prevent conception. Abstinence does this best and abstinence is not a sin. Also, condom use is not regarded as a sin (at least by the vast majority of the world's religions). Even birth control pill use, IUD use and the morning after pill are not considered "sinful" by the majority of people (although there is more controversy regarding use of the morning after pill - than with any other contraceptive method except abortion).

If i miss the first week of the pill?

Start taking the pill now. Use a back up method of birth control, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken seven pills in a row correctly.

Can a women get pregnant while on the pill and the man has on a comdom?

yes, the only certainty is abstinence. Although its not likely a women would get pregnant, but yes its still possible.

Name five methods of contraception?

Oral contraceptives (or "the pill") Sterilization

Can you use birth control pills 10days befor your period?

Yes, you can start the pill 10 days before your period. If you do, use a backup method, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken the pill correctly for 7 days.

What should i do i went on holiday for a week and didn't have my pill should i wait for my next period to start taking pill again.?

Start taking the pill now. Use a back up method of birth control, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken seven pills in a row correctly.

How can you use abstinence in a sentence?

Example : Maria and her friends are practicing abstinence. They think abstinence is the key.

How long does it take for the birth control pill to start working if you havnt taken it for four days?

You should use a back up method of birth control, like condoms or abstinence from vaginal sex, until you've taken the pill correctly for seven days.