

Is acid rain a good or bad thing?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Is acid rain a good or bad thing?
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Is acid rain good or bad?

Acid rain, which is precipitation containing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, is bad. It is harmful to plants, animals, and bodies of water.

What is the advantages of acid rain?

There is none. Acid rain is bad

Is acid reflux a bad thing?

Well, acid reflux is definitely not a good thing. It can kill you by acid rising to your esophagus and burning it.

Is it bad when its lightning when there is no rain?

No, but it is still dangerous. Sometimes, it is a good thing.

Is a flood a good thing?

it can be a good thing they give rain to plants and a bunch of other stuff everything in nature can be seen as a good and bad thing!

Is acid rain bad?

Yes, acid rain can get in the water supplies and is in no way good for you. It also can kill of certain plants over time if enough of it is dropped in a certain area.

Has it ever rained acid rain in Ukraine?

yes there is acid rain in the ukraine. acid rain is very bad. i am very plaesed with my question over and out. .. .

What is bad about acid rain?

it is bad because its poisons animals

How bad is acid rain in the Amazon river?

Real bad

Do we cause acid rain?

Yes we do cause acid rain,we do by littering and doing bad stuff to the environment

Why is limestone a bad material to use with acid rain?

the limestone is very soft and will be dissolved in the acid rain

Why is acid rain bad?

Acid rain is bad because it causes serious health problems like birth defects and lung diseases. it can also cause cancer. acid rain also destroys monuments and kills fish. many forests are destroyed by acid rain. acid rain pollutes rivers and streams and erodes stonework.