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Q: Is acne a symptom if vitamin a deficiency?
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Related questions

What is most likely to occur from a prolonged dietary deficiency of vitamin A?

Night blindness is the first symptom.

What is most likely to occur from prolonged dietary deficiency of vitamin a?

Night blindness is the first symptom.

Can vitamin d deficiency cause fatigue?

Yes, if you have a low vitamin D level, you may experience muscle pains and sleeplessness. A simple blood test should reveal your Vitamin D count (test D25- D2, D3, D Total). After taking vitamin D supplements you should start to see improvements!

What problem caused by Deficiency of vitamin A?

if you lack vitamin a you get night blindness

Is rickets a vitamin d deficiency?

Rickets are symptom of vitamin D deficiency. It's a basically softening of bones usually in children due to lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus. As such bones become more prone to malformity and fractures. Rickets are most common disease in childhood age.

How is vitamin A deficiency treated?

Vitamin A deficiency can be prevented or treated by taking vitamin supplements or by getting injections of the vitamin.

Which symptom is a possible result of a thyroxine deficiency?

water retentionStudies have shown that a deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to abnormal neurological and psychiatric.

What does vitamin K deficiency occur?

Newborns are especially prone to vitamin K deficiency

Is vitamin K deficiency common in adults?

Vitamin K deficiency in adults is rare

Which vitamin deficiency causes massive hemorrhaging in infants?

The deficiency of Vitamin K or menaquinone.

What is the prognosis for vitamin B6 deficiency?

The prognosis for correcting vitamin B6 deficiency is excellent

What are the treatments for vitamin E deficiency?

Vitamin E deficiency in humans results in ataxia (poor muscle coordination with shaky movements), decreased sensation to vibration, lack of reflexes, and of eye muscles. One particularly severe symptom of vitamin E deficiency is the inability to walk.