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Q: Is all flesh eating animals are called carnivores?
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Show some pictures of flesh eating animal?

Flesh eating animals are called carnivores. Some animals that are carnivores include the lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah and wolf.

How plant eating animals are different from flesh eating animals?

The flesh eating animals are carnivores, the plant eating animals are called herbivores. Carnivores depend on the nutrients in meat and flesh, while the herbivores depend on the nutrients in plants. The carnivores have teeth that were made for tearing and ripping flesh, while herbivores have teeth that were made for crushing plants.

What do you call animals that mainly eat meat?


Are canivores meat-eating animals?

yes !! carnivores are those animals that eat other animals flesh for their survival.. carne-flesh or meat,vorae-eat or devour.

What animal are carivores?

Animals which feed on other animals i.e., purely eating their raw flesh are called carnivores.

What is the animal that eats flesh of another animal.?

Mammals that eat flesh of other animals are called carnivores.

Animals eating other animals flesh is called?

Animal cannibalism.

What is Flesh-Eating animals?

Depends on what you mean by "flesh". If you are referring to meat in general, then all carnivorous and omnivorous (unless some omnivores have a different diet that doesn't have to do with "flesh") are flesh eating animals. Lions, dogs, wolves, sharks, cannibals, eagles, snakes, dinosaurs, etc, etc...

Are squids flesh-eating animals?

No squids are not flesh- eating animals the only underwater flesh-eating animal is a shark

Animals that eat flesh?

They are known as carnivores.

An animal that kills and eats another animal?

Energy is derived from food. So any animal that kills and eats another obtains energy. Such as lions, tigers, bears dogs, cats, they are all know as carnivores, flesh eating mammals

What is name of flesh eating bird?

Animals either eat meat, plants or both meat and plants. Meat eating animals are called carnivores. Plant eating animals are called herbivores Animals that eat plants and other animals are omnivores. A flesh eating animal is therefore called a carnivore. There are also some carnivorous plants like the venus fly trap.