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Q: Is also known as the establishment step?
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In step two of mitosis (also known as metaphase) the chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell and in meiosis step two (also known as metaphase I) Tetrads line up on the equator of the cell.

Which note is a half step above an A?

A sharp, also known as B flat.

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The second step in the Photosynthesis is the Calvin Cycle. It is also known as the Light-Independant Reactions or the Dark Reactions. :3

What was an important step towards self government in English colonies?

The establishment of the House of Burgesses, a colonial legislature, was an important step toward self-government.

What was important in Virginia step toward self government in the English colonies?

The establishment of the House of Burgesses, a colonial legislature, was an important step toward self-government.

What was an important step toward Virginia self-government in the English colonies?

The establishment of the House of Burgesses, a colonial legislature, was an important step toward self-government.

What was Virginia's important step toward self government in the English colonies?

The establishment of the House of Burgesses, a colonial legislature, was an important step toward self-government.

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Who was known as Mr Republicans?

Robert Taft of Ohio. He was conservative and well-liked by the establishment.

What does 2-step beat mean in musical terms?

Generally, a minim; also known as half note is known as the note worth two beats.

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The Sorbonne is an educational establishment.