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aluminum is more durable than iron.

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Q: Is aluminum more durable then iron?
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What is more durable Aluminum or steel doors?

Steel is a harder and more durable metal than aluminum. Therefore, steel doors are often more durable and more difficult to damage than aluminum doors.

Which is more durable metal or aluminum?

Aluminium is a metal

What three types of metals are engines made of?

Engines can be made out of iron, steel and aluminum. Aluminum is lightweight, but is not as durable as the formerly listed metals.

Why iron is cheaper than aluminum?

every metal is priced based on scarcity, and ease of access. there's a lot more iron than aluminum in the ground... and aluminum's properties and usage for current products make it more expensive. it also cools very quickly, while still being lightweight and durable... making it very useful.

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Are fiberglass ladders more durable than aluminum ladders?

Fiberglass ladders are heavier and more sturdy, so they can be considered more durable in that sense. However, they do have a tendency to crack, where as aluminum, though more lightweight, would probably last longer.

Why iron corrodes but aluminum does not?

Both iron and aluminum will oxidize. When iron oxidizes the product (rust) easily crumbles away, exposing more iron to oxidation. Aluminum is even more reactive than iron, but the aluminum oxide that forms is one of the hardest known substances and forms a protective layer that, even though it is microscopic, shields the aluminum from corrosion.

When I buy patio furniture,what materials tend to be the most durable to extreme heat,cold,and moisture?

For patio furniture, aluminum is very durable, rust free material that will perform well under all conditions. Wrought iron furniture is also a good material to use however it will need a little more maintenance than aluminum.

Why could steal be produced more cheaply than iron?

Because it was lighter, harder, and more durable than iron

Why was iron used long before alluminium?

Iron was used for thousands of years before aluminum. While aluminum is more abundant, it is not as easy to work with as iron.

What are the advantages in aluminum compared to steel?

Aluminium is lighter than steel and much more durable

Why is aluminium more durable than iron?

So far as durability goes, aluminum beats iron in only one category. Iron oxidizes does aluminum but, the difference is that aluminum forms an oxide layer that is impermeable to oxygen. When iron rusts, the rust offers no protection and the metal continues to oxidize. Stainless steel is an iron alloy that is protected from oxidation because the chromium in the mixture provides a protective oxide layer, like aluminum's.