

Is ameilia Earhart died

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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well she disappeared in like 1937, so she is presumed dead. she would be dead as it was nearly 100 years ago. but there isn't really any exact date of her death.

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Where is ameilia Earhart from?

ameilia Mary Earhart is from kansas and born on July 24 1897

When did Ameilia earhart die?

She is thought to have died on 2 July 1937.

Who is Ameilia Earhart?

Amelia Earhart was a famous American aviatrix.

Where did ameilia Earhart crash?

In the Pacific Ocean.

Who what's ameilia Earhart?

Amelia was a world famous American aviatrix of the 1920's and 1930's

When did Ameilia Earhart disappear?

she was missing July 2 1937 and was declared dead on January 25 1939

Where did ameilia Earhart live?

She lived in many places across US, Kansas, Chicago, Boston, LA and others.

Is there a possilbility that Ameilia Earhart didn't disappear but went to the North Pole to help Santa Claus?

Yes that is exactly what happened.

How many years of experience did ameilia Earhart have?

When Amelia disappeared she had been flying for 16 years, but only extensively for about 7 years.

What activities did ameilia Earhart do as a child?

Amelia played all sorts of games, rode horses and tried to be as daring as girls in those days could.

What is the race of ameilia Earhart?

The biography about her tells of her flying and as a woman one of the first pilots, but it doesn't talk about ethnicity. It isn't important what ethnicity she is because she was a trailblazer for her time.

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