

Is amenorrhea a risk factor for osteoporosis?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is amenorrhea a risk factor for osteoporosis?
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Disorder eating amenorrhea osteoporosis have in common?

Osteoporosis ... bone density may decrease, but may not yet have dropped below her age-matched normal range.

What term is given to a female athlete who has an eating disorder and develops amenorrhea and osteoporosis?

That is most commonly diagnosed as anorexia.

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D. Osteoporosis and amenorrhea

What are light skin and thin body habitus at risk for?

They are at risk for Osteoporosis.

What is osteopoposis?

Osteoporosis is the thinning of bones. Older females are more at risk, as well as smokers. Some medications may also increase the risk of having osteoporosis.

A patient is 66 yrs old she is a smoker and has 3 different fractures what is her disease?

Most likely, it would be osteoporosis. Women after menopause are at a higher risk than women that are menstruating, because they loose their main source of the hormone estrogen, which helps keep calcium in their bone. The other risk factor that contributes to osteoporosis is smoking.

What systems are affected by osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease that increases bone weakness, and increases the risk of a broken bone.

Does smoking increase the risk of developing osteoporosis?


Why do you think these groups have a high risk of osteoporosis?

It depends on a lot of factors: older females with a family history of osteoporosis, are a particular high risk group. There is an on-line risk assessment questionnaire, which I'll link below.

What body system are affected by osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is basically a severe loss of bone density.

What is a synonym for risk factor?

risk factor

How is age linked to osteoporosis?

Although osteoporosis is associated with aging, it is only the risk of osteoporosis that increases as a person ages. It is linked to approximately 70% of bone fractures in people age 46 and older.