

Is ammonia an acetone

Updated: 9/18/2023
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9y ago

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No. Ammonia and acetone are in two completely different classes of molecule.

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Q: Is ammonia an acetone
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There are many substances such as acetone, rubbing achohol, vinegar, and ammonia.

What is an example of a pungent odor?

Acetic acid (vinegar), ammonia, acetone (nail polish remover), rubbing alcohol, and garlic all have pungent odors.

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The following chemicals are used in cleaning of hotels: Methylene chloride Naphthalene Phosphoric acid Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) Xylene Ammonia Acetone

Is acetone used in the process of making ammonium nitrate?

No, it is not used, the industrial preparation of Ammonium Nitrate depends on simple neutralization reaction between ammonia (Base) and Nitric (Acid) giving Ammonium Nitrate. Even the process of prilling or granulation doesn't include addition of Acetone. I believe the Ammonium Nitrate Acetone mixture is hazard as it is a combination of strong oxidizer and highly inflammable substance. Regards;

Does acetone reacts with acetone?

No, because when you add acetone to acetone, all you are doing is adding more of the volume of acetone to acetone. You are just changing the amount of acetone, not anything chemically happening.

How many type of acetone?

Yes, mainly there are 3 types of acetone: regular acetone, acetone with enriched formula, maximum strength acetone.

Do you have to see a doctor if your urine smells like ammonia?

This means that you are either not drinking enough water to excrete out acetone or there is too much of ammonia in your urine. you might also find urine more greenish in color. also try to avoid onions, too much proteins and artificial sweeteners

What are al the science words that begin with the letter A?

as i am from chemical field, so can suggest you only chemical words.. acid, amide, amine, acetone, anhydride, atomic no, atoms, ammonia, aqueous, aluminium..

Examples of volatile liquids?

A Volatile liquid is any liquid that can be vaporised quickly. This does not mean they are necessarily flammable. Examples - Water Chloroform Hexane Acetone Petrol methylated spirits alcohol..........

What happens to acetone molecules when you add heat to a breaker of liquid acetone?

Acetone molecules evaporate when you add heat to a beaker of liquid acetone.

Can calcium oxide dry ammonia?

Yes it can! So can Sodium Hydroxide but not as efficiently as Calcium Oxide as it takes more Sodium Hydroxide than it does Calcium Oxide. If generating you're own Anhydrous Ammonia by mixing Sodium Hydroxide with Ammonia Nitrate the Sodium will replace the Ammonia in the Nitrate freeing the Ammonia as well as producing water. It's best to have this piped through a condenser charge with ice water to condense the water back into the reaction vessel. Than have it passed through a chamber packed with Calcium Oxide to catch any water that isn't condensed yet. Than a cold finger charged with Dry ice and Acetone after this as a last stand against the water. This should than feed into a vessel in a bath of Dry Ice and Acetone where the Anhydrous Ammonia gas will condense into a liquid. From here you can use for a Birch Reaction or store in a cooled or pressurized compatible container. READ SAFETY CONCERNS REGARDING ANHYDROUS AMMONIA BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY OF THIS. IT CAN AND WILL KILL YOU IF PERMITTED. Thank you.