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Yes, Amoxicilln is an antibiotic used to treat Kennel cough.

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Q: Is amoxicilin used for treatment of kennel cough?
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What does it mean when your dog coughs?

it usually mean that your dog has kennel cough. In some dogs it can lead to pneumonia or more serious signs. Cough suppressants can be used to control the cough and antibiotics may be necessary for stubborn infections or to try to stop the spread of the bacteria in multiple dog households.

Can you use ghee when cough troubles?

People often ask if they can use ghee when cough troubles. Ghee, a type of clarified butter commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine, is said to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help to soothe a cough. A teaspoon of warm ghee with turmeric, honey, and black pepper, can treat a dry cough. However, it is essential to note that ghee is not a proven treatment for a cough and should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. If you have a persistent cough or are experiencing other symptoms, it is best to consult a healthcare professional to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. Learn more:

How do you treat kennel cough at home?

Kennel Cough, is NOT contgious to puppies! If you go to the vets (which isn't usually necessary in Kennel Cough) they will likely prescribe an antibiotic to prevent secondary bacterial infections; however, Kennel Cough is viral and the antibiotics will not cure the Kennel Cough, it simply has to run its course (approximately 2 weeks).As for home remedies, I have heard that a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide in the water dish will help ease the cough. Also, oil of oregano has shortened the duration of the cough. I have also heard of people using Benadryl or Robitussin DM but I haven't tried that myself. I have been giving my Beagle honey as well to help ease her throat. It is also recommended to keep a humidifier near her.

What diseases can clove cure?

Clove has been used for the topical treatment of toothache. Clove has also been used for the common cold, cough, and inflammation of the mouth or throat.

What is a small house for dog?

A dog house or kennel is a small outbuilding used for sheltering a dog.

What type of medication is used to treat cough of a patient with a malignant throat mass?

There are many drugs that can be used in the treatment of a malignant throat mass. Some of these are methotrexate sodium, carboplatin, trexall, and rheumatrex.

What are some treatment options for Pleurisy?

Your doctor will prescribe some antibiotics for you. He might also give you some anti-inflammatory drugs or pain medicines to combat the inflammation. He might also prescribe a cough syrup to control a painful cough.

Is cough a verb?

Yes, cough is a verb. It can be used transitively or intransitively. It can also be used as a noun.

List 5 microbial diseases and the antibiotic used for treatment?

DISEASE ANTIBIOTIC USED measles mmr (measles mump rubella) polio polio drops whooping cough dpt(deptheria petruesis tetanus)

Will cephalexin help cough and congestion?

Probably not. Cold sores are caused by a virus you should use antiviral treatment like Lysine or Abreva. That medication is used to help treat bacterial infections and pneumonia it won't do any thing for viruses. See related link for more information.

What are the healing qualities of Philippine sampaguita flower?

The Sampaguita leaves and flowers are used to treat fever and cough due to its antipyretic and decongestant content. It is also used for ulcer, abdominal distention, diarrhea, and sprain and fracture treatment.

Can you take flucloxacillin for tonsillitis?

Amoxicullin is best but flucloxacillin can be used to. most GP'S will proscribe amoxicilin unless you are unable to take any medication containing penicillin.