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its a idea of men

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Q: Is an 'Immortal Soul' concept in the Bible or is it a pagan or philosophical idea of men?
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Can you believe in Jesus if you are pagan?

If you were a pagan first, but ieve in Jesus.later read the bible and believed it you can then believe in Jesus.

What Pagan quotes can be found in the Bible?

In the King James versionWhatever else they may be called, the word pagan does not appear.

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There is nothing in the Bible that says that

What is a pagan in The Bible?

A pagan is someone who believes in multiple gods, unlike Christians or other religions who believe in one God.

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No, Ruth in the Bible was not a pagan priestess of Chemosh. She was a Moabite woman who married an Israelite man named Boaz and later became the great-grandmother of King David. Ruth is known for her loyalty, faithfulness, and kindness.

Where can you find December 25 in the Bible?

the date of Christmas was most likely not from the Bible but taken from the pagan holiday ''winter solstice''

Is the word Bible pagan?

"Pagan" is not a language. It comes from the Latin word for a rustic villager - paganus. The word "Bible" comes through Latin and Greek from a Semitic word for a papyrus scroll - the substance books were made of. Is it "pagan"? Well it predates "Christianity", so it depends on what your definition of "pagan" is. Dictionaries differ, and the Christian Church used to apply the word to anyone who was not Christian or Jewish.

Where can you find information of Makkah in the Bible?

A:At the time the Bible was written, Makkah, or Mecca, was an important pagan centre of worship, but of no interest to Jews or Christians. It is not mentioned in the Bible.

Is the Easter bunny in the Bible?

Yes, the Easter Bunny was a pagan deity that was converted to Christianity be St Paul.

What is the difference between Christian art and pagan art?

Christian art depicts figures and stories from the Christian Bible. Pagan art depicts figures and stories from any number of pagan sources. Many of the classical artists did both Christian and pagan works, sometimes blending the two into a single art piece.

Was Constantine 1 a writer of Bible?

No, the Bible had been completed LONG before Constantine was born. Constantine was a pagan ruler who used religion to try and unify his government. He was responsible for combining parts of Christian belief with a variety of pagan ideas to form a state religion to unite his fractured kingdom.

Does The Bible supports Halloween?

The Church/Bible created Halloween! It was made to mimic the pagan Celt holiday of Samhain (original Halloween). All of this stuff about witches and devils is mostly a western addition.