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Q: Is an alloy a pure substance or a mixture use the particle theory to explain?
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Using particle theory to explain how a solution becomes saturated?

how will you use the particle theory to explain why a saturated solution at 30 degreecelsius can become dilute at 70degree Celsius

What is the word used to explain the behaviour of matter and mixtures?

The particle theory

How does a particle theory explain how a solute dissolves into a solvent?

You can use the particle theory to help explain what happens when solutes dissolve. The particle theory states that there are spaces between all particles. This means that, in a sample of water, there are many water particles, but also many empty spaces. When you look at sugar. The sugar dissolves, the sugar particles separate and mix with the water particles.

How would you explain an individual particle with string theory?

An individual point particle in the standard model is described in string theory as a mode of vibration of a string. If for some reason the mode of vibration of the string changed, the particle would change to a different one.

Using the particle theory of matter explain why is water a very good solvent for manu solutes.?


Is there any substances that don't follow the particle theory rules?

yes, cornflour, toothpaste, marmite, thick hair-gel, thick jam. explanations: if substances do not follow the particle theory then it means that substance does not have all the properties of 1 state of matter they have a mixture form 2-3 different states of matter. the three states of matter are:- solid, liquid, gas. cornflour is a substance you put into gravy, soup ext to make it more thick!

What is the name for the particle theory?

Particle Theory is its name.

Using the particle theory of matter explain why some solutes are soluble in a solvent but another is not?

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How does kinetic theory explain particle movement spacing and ultimately phase changes?


Is using sandpaper the particle theory?

Sandpaper uses the basic princliples of friction and motion to apply force to particles along the edge of the substance being sand-papered. This substance is bonded chemically to the outer particles, and, in order to break this force, the movement of the sandpaper along the surface creates friction. The movement then subsequently removes the particles by moving them as the sandpaper itself moves. In this way, a layer is removed. The use of sandpaper, therefore, is an application of particle theory, but is not, as the question suggests, particle theory itself.

Use particle theory to explain the diffrtence between a pure substance and a mixture?

a pure substance is 1 substance, and has only one kind of atom or molecule.also, only made up of 1 type of matter. a mixture is made up of many substances, and has 2 or more types of matter.It can also be separated.But, it might not be easy to separate. *in a boring voice says* have a great day,come again*sighs*