

Is an aquarium big enough for a toad to lay eggs in?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yes an aquarium is big enough for frogs and toads to lay eggs in.

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Q: Is an aquarium big enough for a toad to lay eggs in?
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What aquarium has a killer whale?

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How catch a toad?

just pick it up then put it in a cage or container with small air holes not big enough for it to get out

Where do aquarium fish lay their eggs?

Many freshwater fish if not most lay their eggs on the side of the aquarium where it is slightly colder. The eggs live off of their embryo sac for two-three weeks after hatching, so keeping them colder while they are eggs slows down their metabolism allowing them to use less of their embryo sac. If not on the side of the aquarium freshwater fish will lay their eggs on the plants (either live or plastic) that is in the aquarium. In the wild most freshwater fish spawn in areas of heavy plant life to give them a place to hide when they are born and to eat off the plants till they are big enough to eat more meaty foods. For marine fish it all depends on their natural environment, many will only breed in the aquarium if the conditions are perfect. Drifting seaweed is a great place for many predatorial fish to lay their eggs. While fish that dwell in a reef generally like to find a small crevice to lay their eggs where other fish can't eat them. In a home aquarium marine fish will also lay their eggs on the glass to keep their babies metabolism down since they hatch when their embryo sac is depleted. They have to find food as small as 500 microns as soon as they eat. tldr: Over all the best places to look for fish eggs are either on the glass of the aquarium near the surface where their is more oxygen, in plants and coral, and in small caves just small enough for the parents to get in and out. If there are other fish species in the aquarium either the fish or the eggs themselves need to be removed to ensure something doesn't get a free meal. Many times the eggs will be eaten by a tank mate before someone even realized they are in the aquarium.

Is A American Toad Big?

no, smaller than your average toad, its about 2-4in

Best saltwater shark for an aquarium?

depends on oh big the aquarium is

How do you know when aquarium snails are breeding?

depending on the kind of snails you have you will be able to find their eggs. APple snails and mystery snails will lay their eggs in big clusters just above the waterline. If you don't want to have more snails you can just remove the clusters of eggs. All other snails breed like crazy. You will be able to see their eggs on the glass or on ornaments or plants in your aquarium. They are more difficult to control. The eggs will appear to be a clear sort of film.

What rhymes with off road?

big toad

How can you tell a female toad is pregnant?

When a toad has eggs in its body, it's called being gravid. When a toad is gravid, it will swell in the abdomen. Although a lot of toads are notorious for being very fat, so you can't be entirely sure.

What happens when the babies grow in the eggs?

When baby animals grow in eggs they are growing their organs that are needed. The eggs help protect the baby while it grows big enough to live outside the egg.

What is a large aquarium fish?

An aquarium fish that is usually considered big, is like 8 inches and up.

How do you start a large tank of sea monkeys?

You Buy a lot of eggs! (make sure to have a big enough tank)