

Is an assault on a nurse a civil or criminal offense?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Assaults and batterys are both criminal offenses andcivil torts.

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Q: Is an assault on a nurse a civil or criminal offense?
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This case would be a criminal case. Because the jury and judge not able to know the real motives of the nurse (TRULY an accident or an intended murder). Civil cases mostly deal with money. Hope this helps!

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As one example, a professional Registered Nurse can be found guilty of a tort and also a criminal offense if he unlawfully restrains a patient without a written physician's order or if a nurse slaps a patient.

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A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner is nurse responsible for treating and supporting sexual assault victims while collecting evidence for use in a legal actions. They may be asked to provide expert testimony during trial.

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What a joke! Believe me it happens ALL THE TIME!!! There is no such thing as confidentiality. Legally it is a criminal offense. It is a class A misdemeanor. Ask if anyone has ever been prosecuted though. And to report it you have to break your own confidentiality ---think about it. Then try to get an attorney to take it on as a civil case. Anyone who breaks confidentiality SHOULD be held accountable to the fullest! Including loosing their jobs, criminal charges and civil. There are all kinds of 800 numbers you can call to report it but you only have like 120 days After that they will not investigate it. Report it!

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A person cannot be a nurse with a felony conviction.

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The age of the person at the time of the indiscreation and the type of offense are considered. The total criminal history of the person and repeat offenses are considered as well. Visit the ANA web site and search for details there. A link is provided.

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Harriet Tubman's jobs were being a civil war nurse, a suffragist, and a civil rights activist.

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Clara barton.