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No, it does not have enough mass to hold any "atmosphere".

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Q: Is an asteroid surrounded by hydrogen clouds?
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Is asteroids surrounded by hydrogen clouds?


Is a comet surrounded by a hydrogen cloud?

No. A comet is surrounded by various vaporized ices, but not hydrogen.

What are huge clouds of helium and hydrogen called?

Vast interstellar clouds of hydrogen are known as "nebula."

What planet is cold and is surrounded by clouds?


What is Neptune's atmosphere composed of?

Neptune is surrounded by thick layers of clouds in rapid motion. Winds blow these clouds at speeds up to 700 miles (1,100 kilometers) per hour. The clouds farthest from Neptune's surface consist mainly of frozen methane. Scientists believe that Neptune's darker clouds, which lie below the clouds of methane, are composed of hydrogen sulfide.

Why is an ice cube surrounded by clouds?

An ice cube is surrounded by clouds because the temperature of ice is colder than its surrounding temperature. The "clouds" are water vapor that condensate when it comes in contact with the cold air.

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What is Venus surrounded by?

Venus is surrounded by thick clouds of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid. These clouds make the atmosphere visibly impenetrable, and they participate in a runaway greenhouse effect that drives the surface temperature to 860 F.

Are there gas clouds in the Milky Way?

Yes, there are huge clouds of hydrogen gas, called nebulae.

What gas in the atmosphere forms into clouds?

Clouds are water vapor, made from Hydrogen and Oxygen -- H2O.

What are nebulaes made of?

Nebulae are made of clouds of hydrogen and other elements or clouds of dust (dark nebulae)