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Pretty much.

To calculate the electrical force Fe, one can use the equation...

Fe = k(q1 * q2)/r^2

Where k is the constant 8.988 * 10^9 , q1 and q2 are the two charged objects (an object without an electrical charge will not experience an electrical force), and r^2 is the square of the distance between them.

Now, the direction of the force is dependent on the polarity of the charges! Like charges cause acceleration in the opposite direction: unlike charges cause acceleration toward each other, and, subsequently, the force increases.

One can also consider the force Fe in terms of an electric field E, in which

Fe = Eq

Thus: an object of charge q will experience a force Fe in relation to its exposure to the field E.

Now, units are important!

Fe is in Newtons: that means, if an object undergoes force Fe, it will accelerate in relation to its mass.

The "q"s are always in coulombs, or measures of electric charge.

K and E are compound--their "units" are made up of other units multiplied together.

Don't worry too much about units, unless you're getting really technical. Just know that the electrical force is the result of two charged particles interacting. =]

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