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Q: Is an interpreted scripting language that allows a programmer to add dynamic content and interactive elements to a Web page?
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What are interactive elements?

interactive elements are aspects of an object that relate to how they are demonstrated and can be displayed and played with.

Explain unix shell scripting commands in detail?

This depends widely on the actual shell environment you are using. I suggest you take a look at the YouTube videos, which cover the various scripting elements in detail.

Which HTML version added interactive elements and Web forms?


Is HTML scripting language or web application?

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is not a scripting language or a web application. It is a markup language used for structuring content on the web. HTML provides the basic building blocks for web pages, defining elements and their arrangement, but it doesn't have the dynamic functionality of scripting languages or applications.

How do I make it so things switch order in HTML?

HTML does not have the ability to switch the order of elements after the page has loaded. You will need to use JavaScript or another scripting language. HTML is not a scripting language, it is a markup language.

How important is meta data to a computer programmer?

META Data is very important to a computer programmer. It is necessary in order to maintain control and organization of different data elements.

How can you make e-learning content more interactive and engaging?

To design an elearning course with engagement, incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, simulations, and discussion forums. Additionally, use multimedia such as videos and infographics. 

What are flash banners?

a banner similar to an advertising clip with flowing animations and transparency may also contain sound and interactive elements

BASIC element of dynamic HTML?

Dynamic HTML is a combination of HTML tags and interactive web pages. Its basic elements include: an object-oriented view of web elements, cascading style sheets and dynamic fonts.

What is an interactive banner ads?

An interactive banner ad is one that takes the form of a banner, usually on top of a web page. They are activated by roll-over or click. When you do so, something will happen (such as a message popping up) that will try to convince you to buy the product. Sometimes, these will also install viruses on your computer.

What are the major elements of the Tolkien fairy tale?

the witch (mother) rich family large home (royalty can be interpreted as prince princess) the tittle poverty

What is the deferance between Digital library and virtual library?

A digital library is a collection of electronic resources that can be accessed online, while a virtual library is a simulated or interactive online space that provides access to digital resources, interactive features, and virtual services. In essence, a virtual library is a digital library with additional interactive and immersive elements.