

Is an octopus an invertebrates or vertebrates?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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invertebrate- mollesca- cephalopod

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Q: Is an octopus an invertebrates or vertebrates?
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The octopus is an invertibrate

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They're both invertebrates.Octopus are invertebrates.

Is a octopus a invertebrates or a vertebrates?

An octopus is an invertebrate.

Is an octopus is a fish?

No, they are cephalopods which are invertebrates. Fish are vertebrates.

Is a octopus a mammal?

No, the octopus is not a mammal.The octopus is in a class of molluscs called cephalopods.All mammals are vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone. Octopuses do not have a backbone, making them invertebrates.

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You are a chordate are you more like a house cat or an octopus?

Cats are vertebrates and members of the phylum Chordata.Octopuses are invertebrates. The answer to the question is "house cat".

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They are vertebrates.

Why vertebrates and invertebrates are differ?

Vertebrates have spinal chord and invertebrates don't.

What is the difference between vertebrates an invertebrates?

Vertebrates have spines & invertebrates do not have spines.

Are sea invertebrates called fish?

No. Fish are normally vertebrates. Things like octopus and clams aren't really fish. The quibble would be sharks, which are not vertebrates, but still resemble fish.