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Of course, but only ever so slightly. Cutting things off certainly never makes things bigger nor even the same size!

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Q: Is an uncircumcised penis larger than a circumcised?
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Why are so many uncircumcised guys gay?

more people on the planet are uncircumcised than circumcised. Therefore more gay men are uncircumcised.

Do uncircumsided penis carry bacteria?

Yes, uncircumcised penises may carry more bacteria than circumcised penises due to the warm, moist environment that can develop under the foreskin. Proper hygiene, including regular cleaning of the area, can help reduce the risk of bacterial buildup and potential infections.

Girls do you think circumcised penises look nice?

I think almost all girls think both circumcised and uncircumcised penises look very good and enjoy sucking on and playing with both. I personally think uncircumcised penises are really hot and fun to play with and suck on, but circumcised can be hot too. However, it's really a pretty minor point. We care much more about how nice, sincere, and romantic the guy is than with what his penis looks like. Trust me, girls find penises very hot, big or small, circumcised or not. I love a penis in general lol but circumcised is better. Foreskins look weird :/ Cut cocks are better to suck on. Mmm :)

Can uncircumsized man give a woman infection?

A woman can get a sexually transmitted infection from any man, regardless of whether he is circumcised or uncircumcised. Uncircumcised penises transmit more infections than circumcised penises. Latex condoms should always be used during sexual intercourse to avoid the transmission of sexually transmitted infections including HIV.

Does uncircumcised affect you in sex?

Uncircumcised individuals may have a slightly higher risk of certain sexual health issues, such as urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections. However, when it comes to sexual pleasure and function, being uncircumcised does not generally have a significant impact. Personal hygiene practices and open communication with sexual partners are important regardless of circumcision status.

Are circumcised penises smaller than uncircumcised ones?

No; circumcision does not affect the length of penises. It does affect the length of time you spend online asking questions about your dick.

Is sex still fun when you're circumcised?

No. Most women report that they can not feel the difference between a circumcised and uncircumcised man during vaginal sex. However, some women may say it is easier to perform oral sex and masturbation on an uncircumcised penis.

Why is there a brown ring on your penis?

Are you circumcised or do you still have your foreskin?

Why is a grown man's penis larger than his child's?


Who is the vpxl or what is than?

VPXL is designed to enlarge your penis size and will work on both circumcised and non circumcised penis. It strengthens erection, increases sexual desire and testosterone levels as well as enhances sexual performance.VPXL works through dilating the blood vessels and stimulating cell growth in the penis. Reception VPXL enlarges a sex inclination and duration of an orgasm and noticeably increases penis size.

What did new research indicate about the transmission of HIV infections?

Circumcised men may be less at risk for contracting HIV infections than uncircumcised men, whose foreskins have higher concentrations of cells that are targeted specifically by HIV.

Your uncircumcised and its depressing to read about how circumcision is more pleasurable for the woman What do you do?

If you want to be circumcised, you can go to your doctor and have your foreskin removed. I prefer uncut men though. I love the feel of the extra skin and i know a lot of people do. Don't feel bad about your self though. You are more man than a circumcised man, because you still have everything you started with. lol