

Is an x chromosome and chromosome the same thing?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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An x chromosome is specifically a feminine chromosome. With a x and y chromosome its male, with a x and x, it is a female.

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Q: Is an x chromosome and chromosome the same thing?
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Does an x chromosome looks the same as a y chromosome?

No. An 'X' chromosome looks like an 'X'. The 'Y' chromosome looks like a deformed 'X'. It is noticeably different to an 'X' chromosome. Also, the 'Y' chromosome is only a third of the size of an 'X' chromosome - an 'X' chromosome is 155 million base pares, while the 'Y' chromosome is only 58 million base pairs.

Why is x chromosome called x?

An X chromosome is known as an X chromosome based on its shape, which resembles an X. The Y chromosome resembles a Y.

Is y chromosome more important than x?

Not really...they both are sex chromosome...each of them describes the sex of the living thing.

Is there an X or Y chromosome in an egg?

An egg will have the X chromosome and the sperm will have an X or Y chromosome.

Why does the y chromosome not carry any alleles?

The Y chromosome is smaller than the X chromosome and contains fewer genes. It carries the genes necessary for determining male sex and some other genes, but it lacks many of the genes present on the X chromosome. This is why the Y chromosome does not carry any alleles in the same way that the X chromosome does.

How many different kind of sperm?

Two, sperm that has an X chromosome and sperm that has a Y chromosome, all things being normal all sperm have the same chromosome count.

What sex chromosome is present in all humans?

There are two sex chromosomes: the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. During fertilization, the mother always gives an X chromosome and the father gives either another X chromosome or a Y chromosome. Therefore, all humans have at least one X chromosome.

What does it means when the X Chromosome is higher than the Y Chromosome?

The X chromosome is stood on a yellow pages

When a x chromosome is add is added to your mothers x chromosome what will you be?

A Male

What chromosome does hemophilia come from?

The X Chromosome.

How does a person know if they have xx chromosomes or xy chromosomes?

An X chromosome is much, much larger than a Y chromosome. For this reason, an X chromosome is more important for life than a Y. Let's consider the options you posed:YY --> because the Y chromosome is so small, there is not enough genetic information for an organism to survive. This is not viable and will not even form an organism.YYY --> again, same thing. See above.XXY --> Klinefelter's syndrome. This produces a male with an inhibited reproductive ability; he will probably not be able to produce offspring.XXX --> Triplo-X syndrome. Because in normal females, one X chromosome is turned off anyways (Barr body) to avoid any extra genetic info, the same thing happens here, only both X chromosomes are turned off. Only one X chromosome is active at a time. There's no distinguishable difference between XX and XXX females.XYY --> Normal male. Most men who have this genotype probably don't even know they have it.

Which chromosomes from the sperm is necessary to produce a male?

x chromosome...!