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Yes. If you are a beginner in running, it is common to have pain in your ankles due to muscles being used that are not used to being used. As long as you are not damaging the ligaments in your ankles, this pain should go away as your ankles become used to utilizing these muscles.

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Q: Is ankle pain a common running injury for a beginner?
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Can running frequently be the cause of an ankle injury?

Yes it can. Ankle sprains are very common in runners. I would suggest running with an ankle brace on and alternating walking and running in your exercise routine.

Are ankle injuries the most common running injury?

You are right, it seems that the most common injury is ankle sprains, but along with the ankle, others include torn ACLs, pulled hamstrings, shin splints, or knee injuries.

What is the most common injury in the U.S?

An ankle sprain

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The most common basketball injury is a sprain in the ankle.A sprained ankle

What shoes will help me avoid a running ankle injury?

Wearing the proper track shoes will help prevent an ankle injury. These shoes are made with a wide and supportive sole so that you gain proper footing while running. They also provide a modest support for the ankle.

What are some common ankle injuries from running?

The most common injuries to the ankle from running would be either a sprain, or ankle strain from the force of running on a hard surface. You should always do warm up exercises before running, and always wear a proper running shoe.

How can I treat an ankle running injury?

Treatment for an ankle injury will depend on what the injury is and how severe it is. If it is a simple sprain, ice on the swelling can cause some relief. You can also take some anti-inflammatories for the pain and swelling. If it persists you should see your doctor.

Where can I get information on ankle injuries caused by running?

Well there are hip and thigh, foot, leg and knee injuries that are common to runners. If your injured in your ankle, it could either be an ankle strain injury or Achilles tendonitis, when the tendon at the back of the ankle is in pain. For any of these injuries, immediate help is needed. The sooner they're treated the quicker the recovery.

Do I have an ankle injury from running?

Rest is the best measure. This gives the ankle time to heal. Icing and massage are also good remedies. Then as pain decrease slightly exercise the ankle with light and easy stretching motions.

Is possible for an ankle injury from running to return?

Since you got an injury before, now you know what to avoid when running. The injuries usually come from the quick turns that you take. Try to make less or easier turns.

If your running and you role your ankle what should you do?

You should ice the ankle immediately. Ice ankle in 15 to 20 minute intervals. There will likely be swelling and bruising to the ankle. This is common. See you doctor.

Are twisted ankles a common ankle injury in runners?

Yes, it could be due to weak muscles, poor angle flexibility, running on uneven surfaces, or with shoes with inadequate heel support. It's the reason why warm-ups are recommended before running.