

What sugar free gum is bad for dogs?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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13y ago

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Don't give gum to your dogs at all. All types are bad for them.

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12y ago

There is a substance in many sweet but sugar free things that is very toxic to dogs. I think it is called xylitol--something like that, starts with an x.

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Is Eclipse gum bad for you?

Yes because it is a sugar free gum/mints. Google why sugar free gums/mints are bad for you and you will know the real truth.

What is the difference in sugar free gum and gum with sugar?

Gum with sugar has real sugar and sugar-free gum has a sugar substitute but it tastes like sugar.

Is sugar free gum poison to dogs?

If a dog ingests a little gum it will be fine, just like if you swallow the piece of gum you are chewing. Nothing bad will happen. However, if he swallows say a whole pack I would call your vet and check with them.

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Sugar free gum lasts longer than regular non sugar free gum and ypur stupid for asking that.

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-Sugar Gum Blows A Bigger Bubble Then Sugar Free Gum because It Sticksss

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Sugar free gum has alchoholic sugars

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Sugar free chewing gum has no sugar in it.

Can people tell the difference between regular gum and sugar free gum?

sugar free gum has no sugar in it ,but regular gum has more sugar. more sugar in gum causes people to be diabetics

What is the sugar-free gum market?

The sugar-free gum market is $480 million

Does sugar free gum last longer than sugared gum?

Sugar free gum has alchoholic sugars

Which is worse for dogs chocolate or gum?

Chocolate is worse because of the chemical in it. If a dog swallows gum it's not so bad. The only thing in it is sugar.