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Q: Is aquatic worms a producer
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A producer!

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Do platypuses eat worms?

Platypuses do not eat earthworms or other terrestrial worms. They eat aquatic annelid worms.

Do newts eat wax worms?

Occasionally. My newt, which I caught from the wild, has eaten some. Wax worms are for less aquatic newts, but Blood worms are better for more aquatic/aquatic newts. Also, Wax worms are better for newts because of their soft skin. The rough outer exoskeleton of the Bloodworms can damage their bellies.

Is the great white shark a producer in an aquatic ecosystem?

No, a great white shark is a tertiary consumer. Producers are the aquatic plants.

In an aquatic food chain what occurs when a fish dies?

it becomes a producer

Is a lizard a decompose or producer?

Consumer. Trees are a producer, detritovores are a decomposer (worms) and everything between are consumers.

Is a lizard a consumer decomposer or a producer?

Consumer. Trees are a producer, detritovores are a decomposer (worms) and everything between are consumers.

What is a gecko a producer a consumer or a decomposer?

Consumer. Trees are a producer, detritovores are a decomposer (worms) and everything between are consumers.

What do water mite eat?

WaWaWater Mite nymphs eat the same foods adults do, including small insects, aquatic worms, and other mites (even their own kind). ter Mite nymphs eat the same foods adults do, including small insects, aquatic worms, and other mites (even their own kind). ter Mite nymphs eat the same foods adults do, including small insects, aquatic worms, and other mites (even their own kind).

Are roses a decomposer?

No a rose is not a decomposer. A decomposer is things like worms and fungus.

What does a blacknose dace eat?

The blacknose dace usually eats aquatic invertebrates like chironomids and nymphs. They also eat little worms, larvae, aquatic plants, and terrestrial insects.