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Yes, assault with a firearm is a felony in Louisiana. It may also carry with it aggravated assault.

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Q: Is assault with a firearm in Louisiana a felony?
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Can you posses a firearm after assault conviction in Louisiana?

If it's a felony conviction, no.

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Can you possess a firearm for hunting in the state of Louisiana if you have a felony in the state of Texas?

No you cannot possess a firearm at all

Can a person with a common law assault carry a firearm licence?

Any felony conviction or domestic violence conviction disqualifies that person from ever touching a firearm.

Can you buy a gun if you have an assault on your police record?

Depends on what the assault was. In the US, conviction of any felony, or conviction of a crime of domestic violence is a bar to possessing any firearm.

Can you buy a gun if you have an assault charge in Michigan?

Depends on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge. If it's a felony charge, the answer is going to be no. If it's related to a domestic violence matter, the answer will also be no, whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge.

What is aggravated assault with firearm?

aggrevated assualt with a deadly weapon is where you cause serious injury, perment or deforming, with a deadly weapon or contraband.

What is employment of firearm with intent to commit felony?

A long period of jail depending on what the criminal has done.

Can convicted felons in Louisiana own pellet gun?

Yes. A pellet gun and a firearm are two totaly different things. Actually if the felony comitted was not a violent felony , the felon will be able to own a firearm after the sentence/probation is completed IF it was a first offence.

Can you buy a hand gun in Florida with a simple assault on your record?

Depends on what you were convicted of. If the assault was a felony, no. If the assault was of a family member, that is considered "domestic violence". FEDERAL law- not state- bars such a person from possessing any firearm in any state.

Assault by pointing a gun is it felony in va?

Under Va Code. Sec. 18.2-282, the specific offense of pointing, holding, or brandishing a gun is defined as a Class 1 misdemeanor, or a class 6 felony if the pointing occurs within 1,000 feet of a school.

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