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Q: Is baby tooth root canal effects the coming of permanent tooth?
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What about a Mandibular tooth coming in behind another tooth - both deciduous?

The tooth that is coming in behind the mandibular tooth is not deciduous, it will be a permanent tooth. These permanent mandibular teeth should be coming in anywhere from 6-10 years of age.

Is there any harmful effects when the baby tooth does not drop off?

The job of baby teeth is to reserve the place for the permanent teeth to come in. When the baby tooth does not drop off, but the permanent tooth is coming out on schedule, it could divert the permanent tooth in a different direction. If a baby tooth has not come out and the permanent tooth has yet to arrive, it could mean the permanent tooth has not developed or growth is delayed. Consult with a general or pediatric dentist to determine the situation and what course of action needs to be taken.

Is it secure to root canal the tooth of a 4 years baby?

If you want your baby to have healthy and perfectly aligned permanent teeth, then yes, get that root canal treatment done. The reason behind this is that, if your dentist has suggested a root canal treatment then the condition of the tooth is already bad. the first tooth to naturally fall off in kids is at the age of 6. So, to preserve the space of the successors to come this milk tooth should be there. Also, if the milk tooth has infection it can harm the permanent tooth underneath it.

Should you get a root canal on a baby tooth?

No. That would just be a waste of time and money. In many cases, you wouldn't even get a root canal on a permanent tooth. You would most likely have it pulled depending on what tooth it is. Just have the baby-tooth pulled since it is going to be pulled someday, regardless.

Can you have a cavity if its a permanent tooth?

Yes, you can you can get a cavity in a baby tooth as well as a permanent tooth.

If you had a Root Canal approx four months ago Can you still have the permanent crown put on?

Absolutely. In general, it's best to have a tooth that's had root canal therapy, especially a posterior (back) tooth, crowned as soon as possible to avoid having it break or fracture. Failing to do this could result in loss of the tooth.

Can a root canal be done on a tooth under a permanent bridge?

yes. The dentist can remove the bridge and then re-cement it after the procedure is done. as long as there is not a lot of recurrent decay, otherwise they would have to remove the decay and build the tooth back up and that would call for a new bridge. can root canal be done a tooth that is capped

What do I do my son is 10 yrs old his 4th tooth on the top is loose is it a baby tooth or permanent?

It's a baby you should have nothing to worry about. It is coming out right on time.

How much is a baby root canal?

Baby's tooth are important to save and you should get the root canal done. the reason behind this is that milk teeth keep the space for their successor permanent teeth. Without the milk teeth in place, other teeth occupy that space and the permanent tooth might stay stuck inside the jaw as it doesn't have the required space to come out. You can visit Paragon Dental if you are in Modesto, California for the baby's dental checkup.

What do you do when an 11 year old has upper permanent teeth coming in in the gum above the tooth that has not fallen out yet?

My kid had similar situation. He had 2 permanent teeth like that. Took him to the dentist and he extracted the one that was coming in the gum.

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

Does a root canal prevent the baby tooth from falling out?

That is its purpose. With the elimination of damaged or infected root tissue, the baby tooth can continue to function in chewing, and hold the position for the permanent tooth that follows it. However, the baby tooth will still eventually be pushed out, or may be extracted at any time.