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Q: Is back of the hand or back of the neck more sensitive to touch?
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Are your feet more sensitive then your hands?

False. There are more sensitive touch receptors on the tip of your finger than on your back

What is the the most sensitive part of the hand the palm or the back?

For left handers, it is usually their left hand, and for right handers, it's usually their right hand.

Why is your hand more sensitive than your non-dominant hand?

It is more sensitive because your dominant hand is used the most and therefore it is the most sensitive also there are nerve endings in your hand.

Is the tip of your finger more sensative than the back of the hand?

my fingertips upon a slight impact with anything are way more sensitive than the back of my hands

Which is more sensitive over skin temperature or touch and why?

Touch ... the number of receptor cells.

Why is your dominant hand more sensitive than your non-dominant hand?

Not completely, your dominant hand will always feel more natural to you, yet sometime when an arm or hand has been broken for a long period of time the other hand will become skilled enough to perform adequately.

What two body areas are most sensitive to touch?

The Face and the Hands because they have more sensitive touch receptors than anywhere else.You can tell the difference in a pin touching your lip in the middle, and again a little more to edge. While on your back you might have to move the pin 5 cm away before you feel it somewhere else.

Why is your dominant hand more sensitive then your non dominant hand?

Your non dominant hand is more sensitive because it is used less so it isn't as strong and doesn't have as much skin so it will not be able to stand as much heat or cold.

Are there more sensitive touch receptors on your plam than your finger?

No, there are more than 3000 touch receptors in each fingertip, all packed tightly together because of the small space. This means that the palm is less sensitive than the fingertips.

Is the tongue or finger more sensitive?

The finger is more sensitive to touch. The tongue is more sensitive to temperature. Test it out for your self!

Is palm more sensitive than hand back?

The skin on the palm has more nerve endings than the back in order to protect the body from pain. When you feel something hot or painful you feel it quickly and pull it away from that discomfort.

What is a touchsensor?

A touch sensor is a screen that senses any contact made with it. It is more sensitive with skin.