

Is bacterium decomposers

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, they are.

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Q: Is bacterium decomposers
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Ocean ecosystem-what are some decomposers that live here?

some decomposer that you could see in the pacific ocean are just the same with the decomposers in the other bodies of water, so it would also be bacterium and marine worms.

Can decomposers decompose?

Yes! An organism (soil,bacterium,fungus,or invertebrate),that decomposes organic material

What are the decomposers of the Atlantic ocean?

Some decomposers in the Pacific Ocean consist of animals who break down or eat decaying material.

Bacterium that feeds on dead things is?

They are called decomposers although they may have more specific names than that the general term is decomposer or more scientifically saprobes and detritivores

Are decomposers mammals?

No, decomposers are generally not mammals. Mammals can be consumers and secondary producers. Mammals tend to eat producers including grass and other plants. Decomposers are generally bacterium.

What is a decomposer animal?

An organism, usually a bacterium or fungus, that breaks down the cells of dead plants and animals into simpler substances. The decomposer feeds on dead materials. Dust mites or spider mites are animals that are decomposers.

Are roadrunners decomposers?

No, they are not decomposers.

Is bacterium plural?

bacteria is, unless you were to use the word "The" in front (the bacteria are) Answer The bacterium is ...., the bacteria are..... Bacteria is the plural form, bacterium is the singluar.

What are organisms that break down waste and dead organisms called?

Organisms called decomposers or detritivores.

What is a bacterium that needs oxygen?

A bacterium that needs oxygen is called an aerobic bacterium


Macro decomposers are decomposers that yuo can see with the naked eye.

What are macro-decomposers?

Macro decomposers are decomposers that yuo can see with the naked eye.