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Yes, "because I said so" is a dependent clause. By itself it is a fragment.

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Q: Is because i said so a sentence fragment?
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Is Ate the cake a fragment or a sentence?

Ate the cake is a fragment because there is no subject. To be a complete sentence, it must have a subject and a verb. You would need to change it to, I ate the cake, or She ate the cake, or so on.

What causes a sentence fragment?

Almost always sentence fragments are caused by the writer using a period in a sentence where all that was really needed was a comma. Example fragment: He always felt at home in the city. Having spent so much of his childhood there. ("Having spent so much of his childhood there." is the "fragment," because it has been "broken off of" the sentence it belongs to.) The sentence should have been, "He always felt at home in the city, having spent so much of his childhood there."

Which is a fragment?

A fragment sentence is an incomplete sentence. It lacks a subject, usually (noun or pronoun). For example:Fragments:After the class. (After the class--What?)Jumped up and down. (Who jumped?)Took too long. (Who?)Went to. (Who, when, where?)Cats like. (Like what? - missing an object or object phrase)Full sentences:After the class, I went home.The dog umped up and down.Mike took too long washing the dishes, so he missed the movie.I went to bed.Cats like to be held, petted, and loved.

What is a sentence using the word fragment?

Fragment means a piece, or a portion, and implies that it has been broken from the whole.The archeological world was in a storm after he discovered a fragment of the actual holy grail.Only a tiny fragment of the bullet remained buried in the wall, but it was still enough to convict the shooter.What you handed in as homework was barely a fragment of what the real assignment was, so you get an F.

What are the 4 sentences purposes of independent and dependent?

Independent Clause: When a sentence doesn't need add on's so its not a sentence fragment2 . Example: I went over to my cousin's house for her 10th birthday. Dependent Clause (Sentence Fragment): When a sentence DOES need add on's to make it an advanced sentence. Example: Her 10th Birthday. Sentence Fragment: A sentence that is incomplete. Example: My favorite. If that doesn't help.. then here is another way i phrased it... I went over to my cousins house, for her 10th birthday. I went over to my cousins house= Independent For her 10th birthday= Dependent

Related questions

After the storm sentence or fragment?

"After the storm," is not a complete sentence so it is a fragment.

Is it true that If you punctuate a fragment like a sentence you are still left with a fragment?

Yes, that is correct. A fragment is an incomplete sentence that does not express a complete thought. So, even if you punctuate a fragment like a sentence, it remains a fragment because it lacks a subject, verb, or complete meaning.

How do you repair a fragment sentence?

Read your sentence out loud-- only what you wrote. Is it a complete sentence? Or, is the other half in the next sentence? Does the sentence have a subject and verb (actor and action)? Stop after each period-- if you have to ask "What then?" or "So what?" or "because what" after a period, you might have a sentence fragment.Example:Fragment: First sentence - He was going because. (because what?)Fragment: Second sentence: He bought tickets.Full sentence put together: He was going because he bought tickets.

What is an ing fragment?

An ing fragment is a sentence fragment that starts with a word ending in "ing." It does not include a subject and a verb, so it is not a complete sentence. It can be confusing to readers because it does not express a complete thought.

Is Ate the cake a fragment or a sentence?

Ate the cake is a fragment because there is no subject. To be a complete sentence, it must have a subject and a verb. You would need to change it to, I ate the cake, or She ate the cake, or so on.

Is there a fullstop at the end of sentence fragment?

There may or may not be a full stop at the end of a sentence fragment. It is the grammatical content that determines whether it is a fragment. For example, 'She opened the' is a fragment, whether there is a full stop after it or not.

What is a sentence for evoution?

Because God said so Because God said so

What causes a sentence fragment?

Almost always sentence fragments are caused by the writer using a period in a sentence where all that was really needed was a comma. Example fragment: He always felt at home in the city. Having spent so much of his childhood there. ("Having spent so much of his childhood there." is the "fragment," because it has been "broken off of" the sentence it belongs to.) The sentence should have been, "He always felt at home in the city, having spent so much of his childhood there."

Is because you said so a sentence?

Yes, "Because you said so" is a sentence. It is a complete sentence known as an exclamatory sentence that expresses a reason or justification for something based on the speaker's authority or instruction.

I need help with fragment sentences so i need to know which sentences are fragments and how to correct them can you help or not?

A complete sentence always has both a subject and a verb. If either the subject or the verb is missing, then it is a fragment. For example, "The cat sits on the bed" is a complete sentence because it has both a subject (the cat) and a verb (sits). "The cat" by itself is a fragment because it doesn't have a verb.

Is when you visited the museum last week a fragment or complete sentence?

"When you visited the museum last week" is a dependent clause, so it is a sentence fragment. It does not express a complete thought on its own and needs to be connected to an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

What is a sentence fragment and a mistake that causes it?

A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence. The mistake that causes sentence fragments is failure to be fully aware of what you are saying (or writing). I often see sentence fragments on this site. Some people post questions that look like this: Why do horses? How did it? Do they really? And so forth.