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Being able to roll your tongue is dominant, not being able to is recessive. Therefore, if you can roll your tongue, you have either a homozygous dominant gene for being able to roll your tongue, or a heterozygous gene. If you cannot, then you have a homozygous recessive gene.

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Q: Is being able to roll your tongue a dominant or a recessive trait?
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What is the letter form in dominant and recessive trait?

It depends on what your trait is. Let's say that your trait was tongue roller. Rolling your tongue is dominant over non-tongue rollers so we would use R for Rolling your tongue. For the recessive trait, non-tongue roller, we use the same letter as the dominant trait except it is lowercase. So non-tongue roller would be r.

What type of trait prevents the other type from being seen?

A recessive trait. When a recessive allele is with a dominant allele, only the dominanate trait can be seen.

What is the difference between a dominant trait and a recessive trait?

A dominate trait will most likely take over the recessive.

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A trait that masks another trait is called dominant, or a dominant trait.

Is diabetes dominant or recessive trait?

It is a recessive trait

Why are two recessive alleles needed for a recesssive trait to be shown?

bcoz in case of one dominant and one recessive, dominant allele will express its characters and suppresses the recessive ones. so for the expression of recessive characters both allele should be recessive.

When does a recessive trait dominant over a dominant trait?

When two recessive genes are inherited, and the portion of recessive inheritance is 51% or greater in favor of the recessive trait.

A living thing with a dominant and recessive gene for a trait?

An example of this would be a plant with a dominant gene for flower color (e.g., purple) and a recessive gene for a different color (e.g., white). Depending on the combination of these genes, the plant will exhibit either the dominant trait (purple flowers) or the recessive trait (white flowers).

A living thing that shows a dominant trait may be homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive for the trait true or false?

False because a living thing that shows a dominant trait can not be homozygous recessive. If it is homozygous recessive it will show recessive trait. A living thing that shows dominant trait may be homozygous dominant or hetrozygous.

What is difference between a dominant trait and a recessive trait?

A recessive trait is a trait that is not shown or expressed physically but is retained within the persons genes, whereas a dominant trait is a trait which opresses the recessive trait and is prodominantly shown or expressed physically. For example it is possible for two red-haired parents, both with recessive dark haired genes, to have a dark haired child. they must both have the recessive gene or the dominant gene of red - hair will be expressed in the child

Is the trait being studied in the pedigree recessive or dominant?

you have to be more specific, like is there a diagram?