

Is bhp bigger then hp

Updated: 10/26/2022
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11y ago

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If this topic is about HorsePower then BHP is just as much as HP


Horsepower, is simply an Imperial unit for measuring power; in SI, we'd use watts. 'Brake' horsepower simply indicates where it is being measured -in this case, at the output of the machine rather than at its input. Because of losses within the machine, the output power is always lower than the input power. Expressed another way, output power is the difference between the input power and any losses.

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Convert kW to hp?

To convert bhp to kW simply multiply the bhp figure by .7457

What term of measurement is used to describe the power of an internal combustion engine?

The most common term is "horsepower" or HP. Also related to Hp is torque measured in ft. lbs. Some other terms include newton meters and kilo-watts. The first two mentioned are the most common though.

What is the different between PS and bhp?

PS is the abbreviation of horse strength in German and is no longer used as a standard of measurement. and bhp is brake horse power or crank shaft horse power. also 1 PS is not the same as 1 bhp since those crazy Germans decided that they wanted to be different

BHP to CC relationship how can we relate BHP to CC How can 150CC bike produce 20 BHP where as an 350CC bike just produces 18 BHP?

cc is used to know about the engine size.....where as bhp tells you how much power is delivered at shaft doesn't mean that larger engine size will produce more bhp than smaller one....both are - cubic centimetres . to measure the engine displacement .bhp - brake horse power . to measure the power of a vehiclet's just a way to compare engines.The number of cc's the related to an engine, is the size of the engine. The actual size of the combustion chambers where the fuel is burned. Normally, the higher the cc's, the more fuel burned, therefore the more power.bhp is the actual horsepower put out by the engine as built, before attached to the car, which will be lower, as a nominal amount of horsepower is needed to turn the driveshaft and drive gears.t's just a way to compare engines.

How do you calculate brake horsepower of pump?

BHP = Flow(GPM) X TDH(FT) x SG /3960xEFFICIENCY(%)Example: BHP = (100 GPM) x (95 Ft) x (1.0) / 3960 x .6BHP = 4.0