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Yes, because they both tell you where you got it from because you are sighting your sources.

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Q: Is bibliography the same as sources?
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What is bibliography for a science project?

A bibliography is a list of all the sources you got you information from.

What does bibliography mean in a science fair project mean?

For any sort of research project, whether it is a science project or a literature paper, the bibliography is a list of the sources that you used to get your information. Check your project requirements to see if the bibliography needs to be in a particular format. If it does, you can go online and find examples for that type of bibliography. Make sure you do this early. It might be hard to go back and find all your resources later.

Is it called resources or bibliography for science fair?

Any good scientific article should have a list of references, or a bibliography which serves a few purposes. It allows that attribution of credit where it is due. It also allows people to look up further information on the subject if desired. There is also a lot of replication in science (using the same methods, everyone should get similar results). The bibliography helps validate the basis of the experiment. One note, much of what you find on the internet are secondary sources. I.E. summaries of other studies. Wikipedia is usually a well referenced secondary source. It is useful to actually find the primary sources which are the original research papers. If you have difficulty finding them, try a good research library at a large university.

Do science fair projects need a bibliography?

Only if you used a website or a resource to find out your information. If you fail to list these sources in the appropriate format (ask your instructor for directions) your projact may be disqualified for plagarism.

Define final bibliography?

Bibliography is the information about the article, websites, and etc... The address of the info of where you found it

Related questions

Is a bibliography the same as a purpose?

No, a bibliography and a purpose are not the same. A bibliography is a list of sources used in research, while a purpose states the reason or goal of the research or writing.

What is bibliography for a science project?

A bibliography is a list of all the sources you got you information from.

What is the difference between working bibliography and final bibliography?

A working bibliography is a list of sources you are considering using for a research project, while a final bibliography is the list of sources you actually used and cited in your project. The working bibliography can be more extensive and include sources that may not end up being used in the final project.

Is bibliography the same thing as resource?

No, bibliography and resource are not the same thing. A bibliography is a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) that have been used in research or writing, while a resource is a broader term that refers to any helpful tool or information that can be used for a specific purpose.

What has the author Del Moore written?

Del Moore has written: 'Bibliography of Jamestown sources' -- subject(s): Bibliography, History, Sources

How do you spell bibliography?

The correct spelling is bibliography (list of book sources).

What is another term for bibliography?

References? Sources?

How do you a bibliography?

Get your subject. Then the sources or resources you use to help find some facts or information are the bibliography.

What does Microsoft Word require you to do before it can create a bibliography?

You should create a list of sources/citations. Ms Word will still allow you to insert a bibliography but that would be empty. You can later create sources and then update the bibliography.

How do you spell bibleography?

The correct spelling is "bibliography." It refers to a list of sources or references used in a research paper or book.

Is a Bibliography a secondary source?

No, a bibliography is not a secondary source. It is a list of sources that were consulted or cited in a research project.

What is an alphabetisized list of sources?

I believe it is called a bibliography.