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Q: Is biomass energy available in Fayetteville North Carolina?
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Is biomass energy available everywhere?

biomass energy is located everywhere on this planet!

Is biomass energy available for use?


How would a pyramid reflecting biomass be similar to or different from an energy pyramid?

A biomass pyramid looks like an energy pyramid, in that the largest biomass is contained in the producer level, and the least biomass is contained in the level of the highest order consumer. Basically, as you move up the energy pyramid, there is less energy available to support the biomass at each subsequent level.

What is the point of biomass?

It is a potential source of energy that is readily available where there are people who need it.

What does a biomass pyramid represent?

A pyramid of biomass shows how much energy the organism on a food chain is getting from its food.

How is the energy from biomass released?

Energy from biomass is released by combustion.

How much does biomass energy?

Biomass energy produces 3% of the worlds energy

What counties use biomass energy?

no one uses biomass energy

Where is biomass energy used now?

Biomass energy is widely used. One state that uses biomass is Oregon.

What is the energy flow and the biomass in the taiga ecosystem?

fast energy flow in the biomass

Pros and cons of biomass?

Pros of biomass is that it's renewable, made locally with minimal cost, promotes energy independence and converts waste into fuel. Cons of biomass is that large areas of land are needed, the geography of a country will limit the type of biomass used to create energy and some materials are not available year round.

Is coal biomass?

It is a biomass becauseit is burned for energy.